Episode 12: Shoguns and Samurais

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Disclaimer: The total drama series is not owned by me it is owned by Teletoon and Cartoon Network. I only my characters that includes all 20 contestants and the 3 interns

"Last time on Around The World," Chris walked into view of the camera in the cockpit of the plane.

"It was a music filled day with three stunning songs. To make for the two double eliminations in Las Vegas and France we introduced another competitor Kyra a rejected contestant who auditioned. Turns out Kyra actually befriended Gabby. Honestly, I'm surprised she lasted this long. Well, our stop in New York City ended up with a 5 act talent show in central park with Gabby and Kyra coming out on the top. With Gabby granted immunity from the vote it was a close call between Savannah and Evan. But in the end, Evan was cut from the competition by just one vote. We're left with 8 competitors but only one can with the grand prize of 2 million dollars. Who will that winner be I have no idea but we can find out who will be eliminated today on Around The World,"

First class.

"Wow I guess winning has it's benefits," Kyra munched on the cookies that she received for winning.

"We have to keep winning because everyone dislikes us now," Gabby took a cookie from her platter.

"So now that we are allies who do I need to look out for," Kyra stood up and stretched her legs.

"Well Jared and Savannah are honestly the biggest threat to us they have targeted and successfully eliminated at least 4 to 5 competitors," Gabby counted the eliminated contestants on her fingers.

"Um what about Damien and Katie," Kyra asked.

"Not really a threat but I guess that we should not underestimate any of the others," Gabby said.

Economy class

"Well, Paige, Evan was kicked out yesterday and I am afraid we are next in line for elimination," Eric talked to Paige in the corner of the cabin.

"We just have to win then," Paige replied.

Katie groaned and held her stomach.

"Um, what's wrong with her?" Savannah scooted away from Katie.

"I think it's the food from the eating challenge that causing problems," Damien handed Katie a bucket.

"But that was like 4 days ago," Jared raised his eyebrow.

"Maby it's just a reaction to chef's sloppy joes," Damien reasoned.

"Whatever it is I think I'm sick," Katie's eyes watered. She then lowered her head and barfed.

"I think she has a fever," Damien felt her head.

The cabin rattled and Paige looked out the window.

"Well at least we are landing in Japan," She looked back at Paige.

20 minutes later.

All contestants but Katie were in the middle of the courtyard in Himeji castle.

"Don't you worry about Katie. She just needs rest after getting sick from Chef's mystery meat. And to make sure her family doesn't sue me she has immunity for next couple of days," Chris explained to the kids.

"So why did she get sick and not the rest of us," Savannah asked.

"Apparently she ate the meat that was left in the cargo hold by accident so who knows what was in there," Chris shrugged.

The three interns pulled out a large crate from the cargo hold.

"On with today's challenge," Chris opened the crate to reveal  8 samurai swords, "The first part of the challenge is simple. You have to make a smoothie by slicing the fruit that the other contestants throw at you. Then you blend the fruit to make a smoothie after that it will be taste tested. The contestant with best-tasting smoothie will be granted immunity." Chris snapped his fingers and the interns brought out banana's giant strawberries, apples and, lemons.

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