Chapter One♡

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I walked to my room and grabbed a water out of the mini fridge. I sat on my bed and took a sip of my water. My phone buzzed.

Na Na✨😄:Hey Boy

Liffy😄💙:Hey Girl

Na Na✨😄:Where you at

Liffy😄💙:The crib

Na Na✨😄:Oh okay I'll leave you be

Liffy😄💙:No Nalah talk to me

Na Na✨😄:Fine

Liffy😄💙:Good. Oh guess what happened yesterday

Na Na✨😄:Okay you found $3,000,000 dollars and you wanna give it to because your nice

Liffy😄💙:No because if I did I wouldn't give you all of it

Na Na✨😄:Aww you would still give me some. But what happened

Liffy😄💙:Me and Aaquil found somebody who'll sign us to a record deal

Na Na✨😄:Foreal


Na Na✨😄:We have to celebrate

Liffy😄💙:But there's bad news

Na Na✨😄:What?

Liffy😄💙:We have to move to Atlanta for about 7 months or a year

Na Na✨😄:What?!

Liffy😄💙:Yea. We get the deal if we can write a song they like

Na Na✨😄:Well when do you leave

Liffy😄💙:In three or four weeks

Na Na✨😄:Well at least we still get to hang out-wait


Na Na✨😄:You won't get to because you have to write the song

Liffy😄💙:Don't worry about that

Na Na✨😄:Okay

Liffy😄💙:So I'm finna come pick you up

Na Na✨😄:Why

Liffy😄💙:We have a party in a few hours for New Years Eve

Na Na✨😄:Okay cool

Liffy😄💙:Text me when your ready

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