Sakamaki Household

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(Y/n)'s POV
I was having tea with my stepfather and stepmother when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. My stepfather got up and went to see who it was which meant I was alone with my stepmother. She doesn't treat me well and so does my stepfather. I never knew who my parents were. I get abused a lot by my stepmother. My stepfather would also do the same.

Nobody's POV
(Y/n)  just sipped her tea and ate some cookies while looking down, when her stepfather came and said "pack your bags, your leaving." In a relieved tone. They never wanted to take care of her even though their the ones adopting her at first. You got upstairs and started to pack your things. You were quite happy about leaving since your always getting abused. You didn't care where your going but you would live anywhere else than in a house with monsters.

"Hurry up and get down you brat!" Your stepmother said impatiently.

All you did was give a big sigh and went downstairs. You went in the car and your stepfather started driving.

"We're here. Now get off!" Said the awful man with a smirk on his face. It looked like he knows who lives here.

You were dropped off in front of a big and rusty gate. It was a mansion. You pushed the gate open and went in. You knocked on the door and a tall man with glasses answered. You looked at him with your (e/c) eyes. He looked a little shocked to see you. It was a bit obvious. Is this the Sakamaki household? If I am not mistaken, i was told to live here for a few days.

"No I'm fact your here to live with us permanently" said the boy after looking at you for a few seconds.

"Permanently?" You asked and he nodded. "I'm sorry but no one said permanently" he ignored what you just said and invited you in. "Come on in. Their all waiting for you" You thought "they? Who?"

As soon as you walked in the mansion, you felt shivers down your spine since it looked so quiet and old. You followed the person in front of you trough the big hallways and ended up in a room with boys. At first you didn't know that there was a girl there. As you walked in the room, everyone gasped as if they knew who you were. You looked at them in confusion.

"I'm sorry but why does everyone look surprised looking at me? I was curious since just now" you asked.

The brothers looked at each other until one boy with red hair stood up and walked towards you. "Ill tell you what happened. If you promise to pay me back" he said while giving you a smirk.

(Y/n)'s POV
Did he just me back? I said to myself knowing nothing about his plans. But I was desperate to know what was happening. "What do you mean by that?" I ask him. "Ill tell you after you answer me" he replied me, still with that shity smirk on his face.

"Fine. I want to know."

"Alright then"

No ones POV
Ayato teleported bringing you with him, to his room. Who wonders what will happen next.

Damn... idk when ill do the other chapter so just b patient. I will still do it tho.... but..... you may read some scenes that will probably make you feel weird. Yup...I'm talking about lemon..... so, before I do that chapter,make sure ur not an innocent little mouse or even next to one. Just giving u guys a warning..... I'm done for today I guess.... hope u enjoyed ma first story!

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