Chapter 1 (complete)

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“Good morning!” my radio alarm sang. Erg, I do not want to get up. I moodily through off my covers and immediately regretted it when I realised without it, my room was freezing cold! I am not a morning person as you may have guessed, I am a morning hater! Well a waking up hater really.

Today is my first day at my new school in South Carolina. We just moved here because of my Dad’s new job. Right at this moment I am not on the best of terms with my dad. Hmm, I wonder why? Wait I do know why! This is the 6th time we have moved in as many years! I hate being the new girl, especially since I am mute. And I haven’t really had the chance to make many friends.

I quickly changed in to my favourite jeans and dark blue t-shirt, comfy but pretty, perfect for the first day of school. I put my hair up in to a messy bun and hurriedly applied my makeup. I rushed down the stairs just as my mom yelled, “Hurry up Kaylie!"

I walked in to the kitchen and saw Mom was in the kitchen wearing her favourite apron making pancakes. I sat down at the table and dad pushed a massive stack in front of me. I could eat pancakes 24/7 that’s how much I love them. I’m the sort of the person that can eat tones but still look as skinny as a model, healthier looking though.

"You excited about starting your new school?" my mom asked trying to make small talk. I glared at her and she got the message. I hate it when people try to talk to me in the morning. Looking down at my watch to see what time it is. I stared at my watch, thinking it was broken. “Honey is something wrong with your watch?” I glanced at the wall clock shaking my head. It wasn’t broken it was really 8:30!

Grabbing a pancake a dashed out the door just remembering to get my backpack, hopefully I won’t miss the bus. I sprinted to the bus stop; phew... the bus hasn't come yet. That was a close call! I waited with some other bored looking high school kids. Just as I got my breath back the bus came. I jumped on and got a lot of stares. Man, nothing changes; no matter what school you’re at I thought as I stuck my headphones in, escaping to the music, I really do not want to face another first day. I’m sure the school is a great school... I’m just not sure if the people will be good people. Does that make sense?

 With a bump from the school bus I was brought back to reality. I take out my headphones and start to get off the bus but just as I get up I knock into someone.

“Are you alright?” he asks. I nod, Wow how could I be so clumsy? That’s strange; I can’t remember the last time I bumped in to someone. I stepped off the bus still blushing. How embarrassing!  

After walking around for 5 minutes I finally located the school office. I take out my mini white board and write on it ‘I’m new’ and showed it to the receptionist. I must be the only new girl since she smiled and nodded saying “You’re Kaylie, right?” I nodded as she handed my schedule. After registration I had English for first period. So I headed out to see if I could find the English room. I was glad I had English first thing since it’s my favourite class along with music.

It’s ten minutes after the bell has rang and I still can’t find my homeroom! I was about to give up when I looked at the door to my right. Yes! I found it! I knocked nervously and went in. The teacher smiled at me and announced to the class “Class, we have a new girl, Kaylie Sanders.” I smiled and waved then searching for a free seat. There was one close to the front that was free so I started walking over to it. But before I managed to sit down a girl in a cheer leading uniform plopped herself rather suddenly on it and smiled smugly at me “Sorry this seat is taken.” It is always the same. Cheer leaders acting as if they own the place. After nearly tripping over about ten bags, (Why am I so clumsy today?) I found a seat near the back. The boy sitting next to me was the one I had bumped in to on the bus. Embarrassed I looked away and concentrated on what the teacher was saying.

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