I thought so...anyways I haven't seen nor heard from him. Maybe he's at work.

I passed it back to Gray then he passed it to Juliana then we went back and forth

He doesn't have work today I asked him....anyways I saw him this morning but he wouldn't talk nor look at me......I think something's wrong.

Hmm that's odd...should I text him?

I don't know. Normally when Chandler gets like this we leave him to cool off but this time it feels different. I don't know what to do:c

So this is normal?

Somewhat yes.

Well I think I should text him after class...if he's feeling down I don't want to leave him alone.

Yes I think that's best..I will text him to if that okay with you...

Of course it's okay with me your practically brother and sister. I have no problem with you texting him.

This is why I like you way more then I ever liked Brianna.

Haha thanks I think.

I hand it back to Gray and waited for the note to come back. Gray taps on my shoulder and I turn expecting a note but instead Gray is looking at me with guilt and other sad emotions. I was confused and mouthed 'what's wrong'. He points to the door and there was a loud bang witch caused me to jump a little. I quickly turn to the door and see Brianna and Chandler holding hands. My eyes widen and I felt my heart sinks. 'No no this has to be a misunderstanding....Chandler wouldn't....cheat on someone.......would he?' I question myself. Suddenly Chandler kisses Brianna on the lips and hugs her, my eyes began to feel up with tears and suddenly I couldn't breath. I started to wheeze and gasp for air below a whisper so no one can hear me. Gray, Juliana, Sam, Madison turn there heads to me and had worry written all over there faces. I started to gasp a little louder and got up but fell to the floor. Gary quickly gets up and helps me up, Sam does the same.

"Y/n are you okay?" Gary asked. I looked up and see Brianna laughing at me and Chandler looking at me with a bored expression on his face. My eyes widen a little more and I run out the room, leaving Sam, Gray, Juliana, and Madison yelling for my name. I run all the way home tripping in the process but soon made it. I lock the front door and run up to my room locking it as well. I threw myself on my bed and cried my eyes out and spent the rest of the morning, afternoon and night like that. My phone has been blowing up all day and night but I didn't want to answer it.

Hours had passed for now it's was 2:45 am. I couldn't sleep and decided to look threw my messages that had been sent to me.

Juliana: hey are you okay...I can't believe he would do that to you.

Juliana: please answer and Gray are going to go check up on you soon just tell me where you are.

Juliana: please don't shut us out.

Big bro (Gray): Juliana and I are really worried about you....please just pick up the phone.

Big bro (Gray): god Chandler just pissed me off. Your like a littler sister to me. How dare he hurt me little sister.

Big bro (Gray): shorty please pick up the phone. We are really worried about you.

Big bro (Gray): you deserve way better then that asshole of a person. I don't know why he thinks cheating and crushing someone my there soul and heart is okay but it's really fucked up.

Best friends with benefits (Chandler Riggsxreader) HEAVY EDITING!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat