Entry 2

23 3 0

Dear diary,

     It's strange, the world seems to have changed so much, yet not really the actions of others. A friend, I hope a friend, Sil, told me many things. He is nice and kind. He told me that humans still hate us hybrids, even though we couldn't help it. They still hunt us down, I'm not surprised. Only, now they are ruining the environment and nature. And that we aren't necessarily safe, anywhere.

     Despite, the bad world, he told me about some interesting things. We were asking about each other, and I learned some nice things about him. He likes to draw, I'll have to ask him to show me some art work sometime. Which would be nice. I also learned that he doesn't like spaces where his wings will get stuck in, being a bird hybrid and all. I also learned a little bit about song, he showed me through a bell. 

     I hope everything turns out okay, he seems so nice. I hated seeing him cry, I wish I didn't ask how the world was. I really hope that I can be friends with everyone. I doubt it, I'm a wreck, a baby, it won't happen. I just have dumb luck.


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