Time for Atonement

Start from the beginning

What makes him worried is her personality. At surface Dior is a serious, independent and responsible child. At the same time, she loves to play games, sing a silly song and drawing a lot of pictures. The problem is how she likes teasing people and flirts with someone she adores. Dior is too mature for seven years old. She hits puberty faster than a normal little girl. Apparently, it is normal from her mother's side.

"Hello, earth to Giorno? Are you okay? You've been spacing out since you arrived from that kid's house." Mista waves his hand in front of his face. Giorno snaps from his deep thought.

"You can't blame him." Polnareff joins the conversation, "He just met a daughter he never knew."

He murmurs, "I cannot take her away. I hope this is the right choice."

"Don't worry. That girl has a nice family."

Polnareff remembers Jotaro and his daughter, Jolyne. He does not know much about their relationship, but Jotaro barely spends time with his daughter. He does this to protect his family from enemies. However, Jolyne grows unhappy and hangs out with a nasty crowd.

Jotaro is not wrong, but he is not right either.

Fugo crashes the door, trying to catch his breath. Something horrible must happen. "Bad news.... Sheila just sent me a message. Dior is kidnapped."

Giorno never guesses thing will revolve this fast. He curses himself for not realizing it sooner. Passione has been on a dispute with a certain mafia group. That group is no ordinary organization since they have stand users.

Mista stops polishing his gun. He then opens the fridge, "Let me give my pistol some pizzas first..."

"I'm sorry. He is stronger than I thought. His stand is really suitable for combat..."

Sheila sits in front of the house while Giorno heals her with Golden Experience. He has done healing Carino's parent. The old woman is unconscious and taken into the ambulance. The poor old man is standing next to her. Giorno talks to him after he finished healing Sheila.

"I have no idea how my arm grows back, but I won't pursue it too far."

Giorno feels nothing but remorse toward him, "I'm sorry, this is my entire fault. If I never met my daughter, this would never ..."

"It's the opposite. This thing will happen..." He is holding his wife's hand, "I honestly had no idea what was going on in my daughter's head. She was being irresponsible for the first time by letting herself pregnant. She even said she would raise Dior by herself. We never knew she had a relationship with an underage boy." He stared at Giorno. "At first we were angry and disappointed, but her expression was strange. She spilt everything to us and willing to accept any punishment. Since she had been the best and our only daughter, we forgave her big mistake. There is a place for another life after all and Dior is a sweet granddaughter."

"However, I notice Dior grows to be 'too' pretty. She grows fast too. It is not usual to see creepy men and women get closer to her..." That old man is sighing, "Do you know she'd ever gone for several hours? It turned out one of the neighbours had her locked inside their room. She was smart enough to throw a chair into the window and escape. Otherwise...." His word cut off, "That person got away because Dior came back safe. Since that day, she is afraid of going outside."

That old man is staring at him, "Please promise me, you bring her back."

There is desperation in his voice. Giorno is the only shining ray of hope he has. The young man nods his head. Giorno understands his worries and determines to fulfil the hope. "I promise. Besides, I'm pretty sure my mother in law will kill me if I don't bring her granddaughter back."

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