Mistake in The Past

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Giorno did not want to go to school.

After all, he had achieved his dream to be a gangstar. Further education seems... useless (joke intended). However, a leader with lower education than his subordinate surely mocked by others. The other reason was Bruno Buccelatti. If the wise man was alive, he would give him a long scold to stay in school. Giono decided to at least graduate from high school.

That was the first moment he saw her.

That woman turned around at him. A pair of deep emerald eyes stared at him. Her long chestnut wavy hair swirled in the air. Her skin was like driftwood, glowing under the light. Her small rosy lip smiled just like an innocent child. Her voice is playful and fruity.

Giorno remembered her first word to him.

"You're late for thirty minutes."


"Why are we attending a funeral?" Trish sits in the car next to Mista. That woman has just returned from her music tour around Europe. At first, she wants to visit some places around Italy, but Giorno has a different plan.

Mista whispers at Trish, "Do you remember that Giorno ever has a crush to his English teacher?"

"I never thought he could ever fall in love." Trish laughed. "It was such a rare moment. Of course, I remember."

Giorno does not show it, but everyone close to him knows everything. He always stares at her with affection. A small pink tint appeared on his cheek when he is embarrassed. Their relationship was short and bittersweet. She is an adult and a teacher, it will never work.

Then it hits her, "Oh, no. Don't tell me this is..."

Mista nods, "It's her funeral."

Giorno stepped into the church. The Don Mafia is still the leader of Passione's gangster. The crime organization has grown well in the past eight years. They have a wide connection with an underground crime syndicate, secret government and sell their services while keeping the street clean. Naples becomes a better place for citizens to live in.

He is a great leader, but a bad lover.

Her beloved has gone. Carino Fiore passed away at age thirty-one.

Giorno watches her funeral from afar. He cannot come closer because a lot of people attend it. Acquaintances and relatives gave their condolences. Her mother is still crying next to her body. Her father tries to be strong, but grieve is written in his face. Nobody thinks she will leave the world at such a young age from illness.

Happy, sad, angry, upset, relieve, disappointed, Giorno has seen it all. It is strange to see her sleeping without any expression. She is lying on a wooden coffin covered with white satin. It is filled with her favourite flower, roses in various colour. Giorno memorized it because he used to buy her a bouquet of that flower.

He touches his chest. A lost gap in his heart changes into pain. His memory with her hurts him. Giorno never thought he would be parting with her this way. Their promise in the past becomes nothing but floating words.

"I'll love you forever."

Who thought forever can be severed by death.

Giorno turns around and leaves. There is nothing he can do. You can never bring the dead to life. Begging and crying are useless, only time can fix this. He has no choice but to bury this feeling. He goes out of the church. Mista and Trish are still waiting in the car. He is walking toward his subordinate until someone catches his eyes. A little girl comes out of the building. She wore a simple black dress on length knee. Her light golden long hair sways within the wind.

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