Chapter 2

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"Look i will ask one of the staff to take you to the break room, i'll speak to you there okay?" Tobi whispered, helping me up.

I simply just nodded as he called for the staff.

"Hey can you take this girl to the break room? We need to talk on my next break." Tobi said.

She looked at me, sympathetically and guided to the room.

I walked and my mouth dropped. The room was twice the size of my bedroom and had an amazing view of the football pitch. At one end was tables filled with every kind of cake and chocolate imaginable. The other end was TVs and Xboxes with Fifa 17 opened on them. I walked to the windows, sitting down on the floor.

Tobi didn't have to do this. Why did he do this? He doesn't want to hear my problems. No one does.

I decide to go on twitter and my timeline is just filled with news about me

@TobiLerone: Did you see that girl crying at the book tour? This is why i love Tobi.

@MinterPayne: That girl crying is the funniest ever! I should of filmed it.

I just looked at stared at them and decided to tweet.

@TBJZLChloe: Yes Tobi just helped me. Yes i'm in their break room. You can stop going on about it.

I close twitter and decided to process what happened out there. Tobi said he cared about me. Does he? He's probably lying?

After 15 minutes thinking about life, i hear the door open and seven happy voices entered the room. Knowing it was the sidemen, i smiled a little before getting off the ground.

"I-i'm sorry f-for this trouble, i can go if you want." I said getting my bag heading for the door.

"NO!... i mean no, stay. I really want to help you. Please trust me." Tobi said holding his arms out for a hug.

All of the other sidemen just stood there staring at me. Especially Simon. He looked like he was staring into my soul.

"Always" i reply taking the hug.

I needed that. I haven't really had a proper hug in awhile. In that moment i felt all of my problems melt away. Like they just evaporated into thin air, leaving my body. I feel a single tear run down my face and soon the tears started flowing down my face.

After 33 minutes of my having a breakdown, i broke the hug.

"I think you should eat your nandos. Its going cold" i said to Tobi, wiping my tears, giggling.

He gave me a caring look and went to join the others.

After they ate Tobi asked if i wanted to have some chicken, which i declined. How am i supposed to say that i'm starving myself? I don't want to hurt him. He doesn't deserve to be hurt.

"Now, lads, i'm going to have a little chat with Chloe. It'll be done in time for the next batch of meetings okay?" Tobi said getting up, while the others just nodded.

He led me into a separate room and sat opposite me.

"Now,Chloe.... Tell me your story."

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