5 Months Later / Gender

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Drake POV
Today is the day we find out the gender of the baby I'm soo  happy that I'm going to be a father this is my first child and I'm going to experience everything the scary thing about this is Milani' s hormones but it's worth it right

Milani: Drake I'm ready

Drake: okay let's gooo

They get in Drake Rolls Royce phantom and head to the hospital.

Drake: what do you think we're having

Milani : I think we're having a boy

Drake: I think we're having a girl

Milani : mmmm we'll just see when we get there

Drake: okay we're here

They get out the car and go inside

In the waiting room:

Milani : I'm nervous

Drake: don't be

Milani : (takes deep breaths) okay I'm cool

Doc: Milani Unique Robinson

Milani : Oh my God Oh my God

Drake: Come on I'll be there

Doc: Milani Unique Robinson

Milani : I'm coming Damn

In the room

Doc: hello Milani my name is Dr Hernandez and I'll be guiding you through this pregnancy

Milani: okay

Doc: well are you ready to find out your gender

Milani : Yeah sure

Doc: ok could you hop on the bed for me please

Milani does as told

Doc: this will be really cold and might tickle

Milani : okay

Doc rubs the gel on Milani's stomach

Milani: (giggles) its cold

Doc: told you (laughs) well it seems like you and your babies are doing fine


Doc: your having twins

Milani: OMG

Doc: would you like to know the gender

Milani : yes please

Doc: you are having a boy and a girl

Milani : thank you so much

Doc: No problem take care

They leave

Drake:  I can't believe it

Milani : same it's so hard to believe

Moment 4 Life (Drake story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ