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Noun \ 'ās-pǝr-gǝrz- \
1. A developmental disability that is defined by impairments in social relationships, verbal and nonverbal communication, and by restrictive, repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, and activities.

Flower Child
Noun / 'flou(ə)r ,CHīld/
1. A hippie who wore flowers as symbols of peace and love.
2. A young person, especially a hippie, rejecting conventional society and advocating love, peace, and simple, idealistic values.


Louis didn't like being alone. He absolutely despised it. Even at the age of seven, Louis knew friends were important. Though he tried to socialize and be open to have any and all friends, Louis didn't have many friends. People would laugh and ridicule him for the simple fact that he liked to wear flower crowns. He liked flower crowns, and he didn't know why it was frowned upon for a boy to wear one, but Louis has always been this way. He liked flower crowns and Disney movies and the color pink, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a total momma's boy.

Now Harry was the complete opposite, he was a shy kid, he had no friends, but he didn't mind that. He didn't mind being alone. He actually liked it if he was being honest. He didn't like being around other people because they would look at him weirdly. They would ask him a question and when he wouldn't answer, they'd get angry or they'd just look at him sadly. So instead of being the laughing stock or the freak show of the first grade, he'd rather be with himself and read or hang out with his mom. Anne Cox was very understanding of Harry's disability, she understood her son and that's all Harry could ask for.

On February 22, 2001, Harry was walking down the usual corridor of his school's hallway, he was early to class like he always is, he didn't like the thought of being late. Considering he's always here so early, he knew the hallway like the back of his hand. He knew that Ms. Callaway arrived at approximately 7:15 and he knew that Mr. Gonzales arrived around 7:10 so that he could open the door for Ms. Callaway, and he knew that it was more than simple generosity, and he knew that in the way that Mr. Gonzales would blush when she'd thank him. So you could say that Harry knew the hallway and what happens in it.

Today, however, he noticed something different. In his usual corner of the hallway where he liked to sit down, he saw a boy who was wearing a flower crown, a nice plain pink shirt, and jeans. The boy wasn't sitting and reading as Harry usually does in that spot, the boy was pacing and fidgeting. It reminded Harry of how he gets when Mrs. Odalis picks on him to answer a question aloud. Out of curiosity (and a bit of possessiveness towards his spot) Harry walked towards the nervous boy and waits for him to notice him. He waits a couple of minutes before the pacing boy turned around and jumped when he saw someone in front of him.

"Oh, hi! I'm Louis." Louis stuck his hand out towards Harry but the latter didn't move. Harry just hugged his new Magic Treehouse book closer to his chest and blinked up at Louis surprised. Louis retracts his hand and smiles.

"Have you been standing there long? I'm sorry if you have and I didn't notice. It's my first day here and I'm kind of scared to meet the teacher. My last teacher was a big meanie and she called me 'slow academically'. Whatever that means." Louis paused his ramble and looked at Harry again.

He tilted his head slightly to the side and looked curiously at him, "what's your name?"

Harry looked down at his shoes and started to shake, he tried to stop himself from crying but tears were streaming down his face. Louis gasped and hugged Harry tight.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset, I promise! You don't have to tell me your name, I don't mind. Just please stop crying." Louis was still hugging Harry when he began crying harder. Louis didn't comment on it, instead he grabbed Harry's hand and began taking him to the cafeteria.

"The lady told me where the lunchroom was, let's go there and we can get some food. I'll even let you have mine, how does that sound? She told me that today they were giving out the little ice cream cups, you can have mine if you want." Louis didn't expect a reply, so when one came he was surprised.

"o-ok." Harry stuttered. He was trying to keep up with Louis' fast pace while trying to make sure he didn't drop his new book. Louis smiled at Harry's response and walked faster.

They walked in silence for the rest of the way, and as soon as they were about to enter the cafeteria Harry stopped them.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, "Do you not want to go in anymore?"

Harry shook his head slightly and stuttered out, "I-I'm Harry."

Louis flashed a him a big smile then hugged him quickly. When he let go of the hug, he grabbed Harry's hand once more and dragged him into the room.

"Well then Harry, let's go!" Harry nodded simply and blushed, feeling slightly glad Louis didn't treat him weirdly.

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