Chapter 11

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I screamed and my mother came running in.

"Rosemary, what have you done?"

"Help me!" I cried

My mother bolted downstairs.

"Rick help! Please! Someone please help! Anyone!" she cried

I could hear my mothers terrorized shrieks before she finally concluded to call the nurse.


"Hi there, is this Mrs. Wilkins?"


"What is it dear?"

"I can't stay in this house"

"Why is that?"

"It's Rosemary, I just can't"

"I know someone who can help. Her name is Alice. She deals with possessions and paranormal activity. I think she will work great for you and help Rosemary overcome this demon"

"How can I contact her?"

"I'll call her and have her come over first thing in the morning"

"Thank you so much how can I repay you?"

"Don't bother!"

"Thank you I appreciate your support! Talk to you soon!"

I heard my mother hang up the phone and walk back upstairs to bed. As I woke that morning, I felt different. Everything was a blur. When I walked towards my door to go downstairs I caught myself in the mirror. There in my reflection was a young girl in a white tattered dress and dark brown hair with pigtails in perfectly tied bows. It took me only seconds to realize it......i'm Grace

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