Mistake in The Past

Start from the beginning

A warm feeling of familiarity grows inside him.

Mista shouted at him. "Oi, Giorno! It's time. We have a meeting with the new recruitment member."

Giorno keeps staring at her. His intuition tells him something. She had a connection with that girl. "No, it can't be."

He chases her in bewilderment. Giorno found her sitting on a bench while crying. She is a tall kid with slender arms. Herface is childish and her long eyelash makes her more beautiful. She has a red blush shade around her cheek and small coral-coloured lips. It takes several seconds for Giorno to sight the differences in her eyes colour. Her left eye is green but her right eye is blue.

The little girl notices Giorno and wipes her tears, "Can I help you?"

Giorno realizes he just stands there while watching her. He is smiling, trying to reassure her. She was less frightened after looking at his serene and calm expression. He apologizes for being rude. "It's nothing. I'm sorry to disturb you."

That girl stands up from the bench and asks him a question. "Do you know my mother? I saw you at the church."

Deep down inside, Giorno knows it. He wants to tell her, but he cannot say it. "I'm just one of your mother's friends."

"Did you fail on purpose?"

They were in the classroom. Giorno had failed his English test and had to take an additional class. He did it to be closer to his new teacher. Giorno feigned an innocent face. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"All of your scores are excellent." She showed him the school report from last year. "Yet, you're failing English starts from this semester."

Giorno chuckled, "If I tell you that I want to be with you?"

She was laughing. "That's ridiculous! Nobody likes a supplementary lesson!"

The yellow twilight light shined through the window. She was gorgeous between the sunset glow. How Giorno loved that smile. That boy could not stop staring at her. He distracted his thought by reading page twenty-seven. They continued studying while talking about their life. Giorno managed to dodge any question regarding his personal life and learned a lot about her in a day. Her full name is Carino Fiore. She lived a small happy family with her parents in a nice house. They were not rich, but they were able to have a fancy dinner at a time.

Their lesson finished when the sky turned dark. Giorno never thought time could pass this fast. He was a little bit disappointed with the end of their meeting. However, she smiled and winked, "Next time, let's meet in café or something. I don't really like working overtime. We can grab food and talk about literature."


Fugo returned to Passione two months after Giorno became a leader and passed 'a certain test'. It is in the past, so he barely remembers it. Right now, he is standing with a bunch of papers. That man frowns, reading the information between his hands.

Everyone gathers in the same room. Mista and Trish are sitting on the sofa beside his desk. Giorno is sitting on his chair with Sheila E. – his new bodyguard, standing next to him. She is a bit shocked to hear Giorno may have a daughter. Meanwhile, Polnareff stays still on the table as usual (He does not need so much space considering he is a turtle now).

All of them wait and want to hear the result of the DNA test. It is an easy task to do. Giorno had Golden Experience turned into a bird and took the paper cup that little girl drank from a garbage bin. Fugo stops reading and speaks. "Her name is Dior Fiore, she is the daughter of Carino Fiore." He scratches his head, "I have bad news and good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Giorno prepares himself from his seat, "Bad news first."

"Well... The DNA test is positive. She is your daughter."

Giorno Giovanna, the leader of Passione, is surprised. They can see the panic in his expression. However, he returns to his calm demeanour immediately. It only lasts for a few seconds, but the gangs can see his pupil becomes bigger for a while. Sheila is afraid that eyes will pop out of its place and starts rolling on the floor.

He touched his temple. Giorno feels a headache is coming. "How could this happen..."

"Lack of sex education obviously," replies Polnareff. "Here I think only Old Man Joseph had an accident. Boy, I was wrong."

Fugo still reads the paper. He discovers something rather intriguing in the data. The young man is shocked, jaw drops on the floor. His grips on the paper become tighter. He re-reads the paper once more, but the information remains the same. "Wait for a second! Giorno, how old are you?"

Giorno raises his eyebrows at the question. "I turn twenty-three this year."

"What's wrong?" Trish asks him.

Fugo yells, "That-that.... That little girl is freakin seven years old!"

People in the room do the simple math.

23-7= 16



Trish slaps Giorno and Mista punches him in the stomach.

Sheila is amazed, "Whoaa, Giogio! You're a young father!"


Giorno knows he deserves the slap and the punch. "I- I never know it! Why she didn't tell me?! "

Trish became dizzy. This resembles her past, "Please tell me you're not going to hunt your own daughter..."

The room turns noisy. Everyone have a heated debate about what they should do with the kid. Mista and Trish let her stay with her family while Sheila and Fugo want to take her in. Meanwhile, Polnareff is concerned at Giorno. The poor man has his head down on the desk, feeling ashamed of his past deed. It is a big mistake he can never erase.

He is not prepared for the news. This problem causing one huge confusion in his mind. He never has a parent figure, how he supposed to be one? Giorno will mess up terribly like his parents. One the other side, this fact brings a new joy sparks in his heart. The possibility of having his own family pleased him. Giorno never thought he will have a child in his whole life. He always thinks of his death in a rather single apathetic way. Either he dies in a fight or buried alive under the paperwork.

That man takes a deep breath and continues, "Well, what's the good news?"

Fugo stops talking, "We get seventy percent discount at the local pizza restaurant."

"HELL YEAH!" Mista yells.

--------> to be continue.

Author note:

The woman name is literally mean cute flower. What am I doing with my life... OTL

I change the daughter name because there are too many fanfictions using "Rose" as a name.

I want an idea where Giorno messes up with Joestar bloodline more by having a daughter at a young age. Joseph has Josuke when he is 60+, why not make Giorno do the opposite mistake? BOOM! Thus, this fanfic is born.

I also use several references to Purple Haze Feedback light novel because I want my cheese boy to return.

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