Chapter 20

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A.N. I will make a special, long, chapter once we hit 100 votes and 1.5k reads! Oh, one last thing... I'd like to apologize for a tiny mistake I've made. I doubt anyone noticed, but it you did kudos to you. When Sugawara named all of the members a few chapters back, I managed to forget 2 first years. I'm pretty sure they were never named, but they were there. When Ennoshita, Narita, and Kinoshita all abandoned the team for a time, 2 other 1st years had quit the team. I'm sorry that I forgot those two members.

Also, feel free to leave horrible fangirl comments. Those comments seriously make my day.

Also, today is the last day before track, so if the update rate decreases don't be surprised.

"Well yeah, I guess so, but I'm so use to living in the shadows that it just feels normal for people to not know my name. When you have spent your life with someone as talented as Noya it's not unusual to be forgotten." I solemnly respond.

"Wait seriously?!" Noya asks from the other side of the gym, "Does that really happen?"

"You haven't noticed?" I sass.

"I thought that you got a lot of attention..." Noya confesses.

"Yeah I guess I got a bit in middle school, BEFORE THEY PUT YOU IN THE STARTING LINE UP, ON YOUR TEAM!!!" I exclaim.

"(Y/N)-" Noya begins, but I cut him off.

"Sugawara-san, you were going to show me where I could find the girl's team." I remind.

"O-oh, yes..." Sugawara replies

Sugawara and I begin walking away leaving a gaping Nishinoya behind.


A.N. Sorry it's really short I've just got a lot on my hands, and I'm a total procrastinator...

Also, I got side tracked by reading Haikyuu...... Volume 5..... I finished it..... then I felt empty because that's the last one I own.....



Not What You Thought//Nishinoya(Unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora