"Did Claire like her?"

"Hell no. She don't like nobody but you. Ion know why, you ain't even allat," I joked.

"Boy, you know I'm the shit. Let's not go there," she said, flipping her ponytail.

"You keep flippin' dat shit it's gon fall right out ya head."

"I guess. How did you and Kristin get together."

I stoked my goatee as I tried to remember where we met. Yeah, it's sad dat I actually have ta think about it. "We met each other again at Walmart. I instantly remembered who she was so I said wassup. All I was gon do was speak and go about my day but she asked me fa my number. Then, it all went from there."

"Wow, so romantic," she said before raisin' up off the sofa. I watched as she slid her black heels on and pulled down her dress. "Can you drop me off at home. I have to go to work in like an hour. I need to go get changed.

I nodded before picking up the keys ta my Lamborghini. She followed behind me to the back garage.

I put in the code on the small white key pad for the garage door to raise up. Once the door was up, we hopped in the car and I took off.

"How long you plan on workin' up there?" I asked out of curiosity. I was hoping it wasn't fa long. I really didn't like dat shit.

"Until I build up enough courage to go apply for what I really want to do. I'm so afraid about what might happen. What if no one wants to hire me. They might not even take me seriously since I'm so young."

"I believe in you. As much as you don't want ta hear this, imma tell you anyway. Strippin' is not meant fa you. You can do so much more with yo life. I kno' how intelligent you are, and I know you're capable of better things. I only want what's best for you," I said as I got onto the highway.

"Thank you," she said, givin' me a small smile.

After dropping Ember off, the only thing that occupied my mind was my 'father'. Dat nigga didn't kno' how bad he had it comin'. Touchin' on a young ass girl.

I pulled into the driveway of my mama's house. It was occupied by her car along with my Aunt Belinda.

Turnin' the car off, I got out and made my way up the steps and towards the door. I knocked and waited fa somebody ta come answer the door.

"Hey nephew," my Aunt Belinda said, smiling at me. She was only a couple of years older than me, 2 to be exact.

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