5》Deals with the Devil

Start from the beginning

The dark mist immideatly went away when Gabirela waved her hand. "You are such a buzzkill, you know that?" Said Ryder as he stared at her very annoyed.

"The dark war" mumbled Mal, "The war before our parents where banished to the island, the reason why they even made the island." Mal said looking at Carlos and Evie. Ryder nodded, "Mhm yes but before the fun started, the kings, also known as your daddies" said Ryder looking at Ben, Audrey and Chad. Those two had been so silent in the back i had forgotten they where even in the room. "They ordered all men to go into war and my pathetic father was to much a bitch to go" Ryder said in disgust. "So he was the village joke, a humiliation that my own mother hated to be seen with him. My father was so ashamed he ran away, trying to get away from Auradon ground until he stumbled across your mother" He said grinning at Evie.

"My mother?" Whispered Evie. "Yes, jeez do you guys have to repeat everything I say?" Ryder said shaking his head. "Your mother was as equally powerful as Malifiecent, did you know that?" He said smirking towards Mal, "But the Evil Queen was to busy trying to find the ultimate revenge plan for Snow White and Prince James she didn't care for ruling the island"

"How do you know all of this?"Asked Mal stepping forward, her eyes glowing green as she gripped her spell book. Ryders eyes flickered to the book, "You know the Evil Queen wrote most of those spells right?" He said looking at Mal and Evie. "Back to my wonderful sob story" Ryder said blowing a piece of hair out his face, "So the Evil Queen, aka blueberrys mom, made a deal with my father. She said if he could bring her the last Dark fairies heart she would let him be her somewhat royal assistant and that everyone who made fun of him would regret it. So when he found the Fairy, he did what he was told but the fairies last words where ' it is now yours ' meaning that as soon as he touched  her heart, he was filled with the darkness. Instead of bringing the heart to the evil queen he was filled with a dark power. So when the dark war began, Rumpelstilskin with a snap of the fingers the villains where all locked up. For a while the Kings and Queens thought of him as a royal help, for he was the one who thought of the isle of the lost. He was almost like a Duke but he let the power get to his mind. He became insane with magic, tricking people into doing the wrong thing, ruining the balance of good In Auradon." Smirked Ryder "And thus I was born. My mother died at birth and my father is probably dead on the island, but oh well" He said leaning  back into his chair, "And how I know who you are? Well my father left his journal filled with many Prophecy, I know everything that will happen next thanks to that Journal."

"So there you have it, that's what I am. I'm part evil part good. Not Auaradon and Not Lost." He said with a smug look on his face.

"Enough with the background" spoke Ben, "I've had enough stalling already, tell us where Silena is, tell us where she went off too." He said pulling out his sword.

Ryders golden eyes sparked towards me, "What are you willing to trade to find to find Silena?" He Asked me. "Anything, I will trade anything." I said balling up my fist.

"Jay no, whenever he makes a trade they usually backfire on you. That's why Silena is missing right? She had made a deal with you?" Spoke Addie as she grabbed my arm. Ryder grinned, "Your a smart one aren't you?"

"What did you deal?" I snarled, my patience running thin. "Ben is right, you are stalling. You either speak now, or I kick your ass."

"Her power" he stated, "I dealed her for her power."

"Impossible you can't give someone power" said Gabirela looking at her brother. "Impossible yes but I didn't give her power I just.. gave her a little push" he smirked towards me. "And what's that suppose to mean?" I snarled. "Why she was so paranoid about you four" he said looking at me, Evie, Mal, and Carlos, "She wanted to be able to protect her kingdom, and she had power in her. I know magic when I see it and it was in her, so I helped her. Trained her in a way."

"And you bargained her disappearance? Made her vanish out of thin air?" I asked leaning forward, gripping the armrest of the chair Ryder was sitting.

"I'll tell you if only i get  something in return." Whispered Ryder as he leaned closer towards me, "I'm a man of deals Jay, I dont just give things for free."

"Then what do you want?" I muttered, my own eyes growing dark. Ryder looked around at everyone in the room, as if he was thinking of which one he wanted to take. "Give me three days tops, and then I'll tell you what I want and then I'll tell you where Silena is."

"Alex, Gavin, Gabierla  take him dowstairs to the chamber's. Lock him up and put a magic lock on him so he wont try to escape. You want three days? Fine. Three days down there, is what you get until you tell us where she is." Ordered Ben.

Alex and Gavin grabbed Ryder by the arms yanking him up. He put up no fight as they dragged him towards the doors.

"Why three days?" I asked under my breathe.

"Because" Ryder spoke as the doors open, "I want to see if she will survive her journey."


I love Ryders character so much
Like not only is he hot but hes evil and ughhh he's just a little evil cinnamon roll you guys


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