Chapter 3

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What do you do?

When what pains you, 

gives you solace too.

When what breaks you, 

Makes you too.

When what you have been seeking for,

Comes right before your eyes.

Unannounced, unprecedented.

Do you act frivolous or wise?

When you looked desperately for closure,

And it never came your way,

Yet you kept trying so hard..

Only to suddenly have darkness meet the day.

What did he feel? 

What could he possibly feel at the moment when all that he had been looking for all this while was standing right before his eyes?

Was he happy? Was he sad?

And what was it that was bubbling inside him?

Was it anger? 

Was it joy? 

Was it angst? 

Or was it hatred?

He watched in awe as she stood silently still, her face showing the conspicuous lines of an equal shock if not more, her stance way too spellbound by this sudden jolt that had landed on her unceremoniously, but to him, it was pretty much ceremonious.

He stayed still, like remained the ambiance of the room they were in right now, as he closely examined her features. The same ones that had haunted him day and night, and very obviously so, had also been his pacifier whenever he was distraught.

The same hazel eyes, the same fair white complexion, which was only too enhanced now that she was no more a teenager, but a woman. Everything about her was so same yet different, for those long tresses were now shortened in layers that reached a little below her midriff, her attire was much more formal rather than the dresses she used to wear in her teenage during that generation, yet despite all the changes he knew it was her.

 It was Khushi.

His Khushi.

The same Khushi who had heralded a new perspective in his life, who had made him a different person, who had made him realize a lot of things, be it about his family, career, or life as a whole, and the very same Khushi who had also made him go through hell by her sudden disappearance. A disappearance that had no ends, no loopholes, no amends.

She was just gone.

From his life, from the face of earth, and he had been living in the guilt and anxiety of it for all these years.

And that recollection made his muscles flex and nerves throb, due to which, he immediately clenched his fists, as well as his jaw, and his eyes shot daggers at the petite figure standing in front of him, herself dumbstruck at the turn of events, and perhaps, too taken aback to even react.

And so after what seemed like ages, he gritted, in a tone that was anything but polite,''So, YOU are HERE.''

It was more of an accusation than a factual statement and that instantaneously made a chill run down Khushi's span.

Amidst all this, her PA, Tracy, who was a silent witness to whatever was unfolding was not perplexed but shocked about how this man had the audacity of storming into her ma'am's cabin and look at her with such accusatory eyes.

But right at the moment when she registered Khushi's reaction, her facial expressions, she knew that there was definitely much more to their equation than what was currently meeting the eye. 

And giving privacy to the same, she thought it better to leave the duo, regardless of whoever they were to each other, alone, to deal with their past, mess it more, or offer an olive branch, she couldn't care less.

ArShi TS: REBEL HEARTS [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora