Chapter 1

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To be able to create fully, it's maybe fine that you learn the rules, but you have to forget and to rebel against those rules.-Philippe Petit

''Thank you doctor, you really have magic not just with your expertise, but also in your words.''

The lady in her late 20s thanked the young female doctor, who was barely 25 years old, but even at such a young age had indeed achieved a lot in a profession where majority took years and years to attain some fruitful accomplishments.

Khushi, or Dr. Khushi Gupta as she was formally known gave a warm smile to the lady standing opposite to her who showed enormous gratitude in return of her treating her baby girl and curing her just in about three days with her prescribed medicines and advise.

For Khushi, there was nothing more valuable than the pleasure she immensely received from her patients or their parents. Their parents, because all her patients were very very young. Sometimes newborns or toddlers, in a nutshell, kids not exceeding the age of 14.

Yes, at the age of 25, Khushi was a popular pediatrician practicing at the equally popular Royal Horizon Hospital in New York City.

While her infectious smile possessed the indefinite magnitude of easing down the worry of every parent who were tensed about their child's health, it was her humble nature and positive demeanor that actually heralded in many people the hope of looking at life differently.

Her friends were no different. Everyone loved her for who she was, how she was.But little did everyone know that within confinements and soliloquy, the woman had her own demons to fight, own insecurities to battle, and own turmoil to live with.

Just that when at work, all these imposters readily agreed to stay at bay, only to strike back with a deeper tenacity when she was all alone.

As she watched the lady leave her chamber with her little baby girl in her arms, Khushi let out a sigh.

She sat on her chair, craving for a short nap, but she knew she didn't have any chance of it, for this was going to be quite a busy week ahead.

And like she thought, her intercom rang immediately, and her PA reminded her, ''Dr. Gupta, this is just to remind you that you have to attend the State International Pediatrics Conference at Upper Manhattan tomorrow.''

Khushi nodded slightly and answered, ''Thanks Tracy. I do remember.''

And she hung up.

Of course she remembered the conference.If there was something that she could happily brag about as her ulterior talent besides her expertise in medical profession, it had to be her strong memory.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that she actually didn't need a PA after all to remind her of her schedule, for she had them all by-hearted by default. But oblivious were everyone to this, that somehow this talent of hers was sometimes more of a bane than a boon.

After all, it's always a blessing as well as a curse to feel everything ever so deeply, isn't it?She sighed as she looked out of her chamber's window, the season of fall reflecting in the ambiance in its utmost glory and for once she needed to take a break and just become lost in nature. She had delved herself so much in her work all these years, that she hardly had any strings attached to a world that was serene and all about nature.

But who was she kidding?

Every individual has their own set of defense mechanisms, and for her, drowning in work was the last but most worthwhile resort.She berated herself for once again letting her mind slip into the cauldron of unwarranted thoughts and decided to get back to her routine, which was of course, her work.

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