Chapter 2

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I slowly open my eyes and I am immediately blinded by a bright white light. I groan and look to my right, meeting eyes with the Medic.
"Ah, Scout, I had just finished your surgery. I have successfully removed both bullets! One from your leg and the other from just below your rib."
White doves that flap their wings soar around the hospital ward. "How long have I been out?" I ask, keeping my eyes on one particular bird.
"A few hours." He replies, adding bandages to my wounds, just as the bird I was watching swoops down and lands on my torso. "I'm surprised these pesky birds don't distract ya, Doc."
"You get used to it, they keep me sane." He says as he gently picks up the dove and places it on his shoulder.
"When can I leave? I gotta get back out there! The team needs me!" I try sitting up but immediately feel pain when I try. Medic adjusts my position with a button, making the hospital bed force me into a position I much prefer.
"Patience, Herr Scout. You'll be here until you heal enough for me to let you go."
I sigh as the doctor walks out of the room, leaving me to stare at the clock on the wall in front of me, listening to the distant sound of guns being fired frantically, followed by a few screams, but even so, I remain the only patient in the room. They must be the screams of our enemies, which can only be a good thing.

I must have fallen asleep, because I am awoken to the sound of the door opening and a loud voice shouting, "I TOLD YOU SO!", with heavy footsteps approaching.
I don't even need to look at who it is to know who said it. The Soldier.
"I told you that if you kept that pathetic face, you would get injured out there. And look where you ended up." I don't bother to look at him, but when I hear him place something on the cabinet beside me, I can't help but look at what he brought for me. It could be the stupidest thing and I would probably thank him for saving me from the boredom that is laying in this hospital bed with nothing to do other than let my wounds heal and watch the doves, which is a challenge in itself. I am the fastest one on that battlefield. There is no way I will be able to stay still for too long.

It's my earbuds, the ones I didn't have time to pick back up this morning. "Thanks, man."
"Yeah, yeah. Get your act together, kid."
And with that, he walks out the door. I wonder if my entire team is disappointed in me. Minor wounds are common, but something like this doesn't happen too often for the RED team. We can usually dominate them easily. Unless the new batch of BLU's are better trained than the last, which means Soldier's already intense training sessions will be worse.

After thirty minutes of music and counting every tile on the floor that is visible, I decide that I cannot stay in this room any longer. I struggle out of bed as I painfully but slowly make my way towards the door, and just as I reach it, it opens and I am face to face with the doctor I had last seen a few hours ago.

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