Chosen- Prologue

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Moon light filtered through the barred windows, people screamed in the cells next to me. Midnight on the seventh day of the twelfth month, or the seventh of December whichever floats your boat. Regardless, it was eighteen years today that I was born, my birthday. Lights flickered on, the warden, a fairly large man in a dull brown officers uniform going prematurely bald, walked loudly down the front of the cells. People lunging at the bars, all screaming there innocents begging to be let free, I sat back on the hard concrete sleeping slab thing whatever you want to call it. The whole cell block was all of a sudden silent. For the first time in about 5 months, really sleeping in here is punishment enough! Who am I? Well I'm Damien, eighteen today, I grew up around here and trust me here is not where you want to be. Right now though I was n the lower levels of prison, why? Well I didn't something I wouldn't and shouldn't be proud of but it landed me here, a life sentence, and not 25 years like most pansy prisons let you off with for good behaviour, life means life here. So here I am, all six foot one, jet black hair, dark green eyed, all of me.

Down the stone steps came the one person no one here wanted to upset and well see either. Alexandra Longhart. Or to anyone unfortunate to know the founder of Dalruan. Not heard of it? Didn't think so, Dalruan is basically an island, an island that doesn't appear on a map but it's sort of between England, the Netherlands and Norway, so climate is cold. Oh and you didn't hear that from me.

Anyway Alexandra never showed up here unless she was verifying an execution. Death penalty was still enforced here, and well the favourite punishment of many of the higher citizens. So everyone cowered back in their cells hiding in the shadowed back edge. The people here can hardily be called people, more like animals really. Either way the silence was still sort of creepy. The warden, never took it upon myself to learn his name, well he stopped in front of my cell. I couldn't help but laugh to myself, was it a nervous laugh? Well maybe a little but it was more of a mocking laugh. The sharp clip clop of her high heals stepped closer and closer to my cell. She stopped to look at me. Her hair, a light shade of brown kind of like toffee, as per usual was pinned back in a perfect bun; she looked at me with that stone cold glaze over her stone grey eyes. Graceful but so intimidating she folded her arms over her chest wrapping her pale pink suit jacket around her. "This is him ma'am." Warden said stepping back from my cell. "Damien Gray?" she asked looking at me then the warden...what the hell was his name!! That was starting to bug me. The warden nodded his head far too happily, "thank you Oliver, and unlock the cell. Damien, follow me." She turned to go back the way she came. Oliver, finally a name, fumbled with his keys. "Why?" she jerked her head back to me a questioning look on her face. "Why? Why should I follow you? What do you want from me? You're not going to kill me you would have done that by now if you were, so why?" I stepped out of the shadows and towards the cell door now being opened by the ward...I mean Oliver.

She walked over to me, a confident stride and a smirk on her face. A smirk? Oh crap this is never a good thing, "because you've been selected Damien."...wait selected for what? What did she mean selected? A prick in the side of my arm I turned to look at it a needle was being pulled out. What the hell was going on! I turned to face Alexandra again, "you could have come along easily but like most of you always so difficult." She shook her head before turning away; I was suddenly very dizzy, too dizzy. Everything around me was falling as I hit the cold solid stone ground of the prison floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2010 ⏰

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