Chapter 19- Surprised? No, not at all

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"So your in a Gang?"
"Technically we're in deeper than just a gang."

"So your the leader of this gang?"
"Yes, I am"

"Alexander doesn't know about any of this?"
"No, and I intend to keep it that way."
I say.

Confused? Well let me explain...

"Alright, guys I gotta go. Later."
"Bye mal."
"Bye squirt."
"Bye Sandy."
"Bye Chica"

And then I left the Gang house. I reach back to Alexander's house and the lights we're off. He must've fallen asleep already. I walk up the stairs and into my guest room where I've moved into since me and Alexander split.

I throw my jacket on the chair, take off my shoes as the door and strip the rest off as I head to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and let the warm water relax my tense muscles.

Once I'm finished I turn off the shower and quickly put on a pair of shorts and a loose jersey. I put my phone to charge and slowly let my tiredness take me away.


I slam my hand down on that darn alarm clock. F that thing!
I turn to see its already 8a.m.

I quickly grab my phone and see 6 new messages.


Mal we've got news on the brother.
Come quick!
Malia Rogers get your ass up right now!


Good morning princess. Quite a chase you put up for my men yesterday. I may not have you now but I will find you sooner or later.

What a wonderful morning don't you think?

"Malia!" Alexa barges into my room.
"Oh thank goodness your up! It's a fashion emergency! So Laurine got asked out on tthis date with her mate and she doesn't know what to wear so we have to go shipping. And since We're going buy something 'nice' to wear for Alexander..wink wink" She states.

"I don't do shopping." I say flatly.
"Well you do now. So get your ass up." I groan as she throws me of my bed. Literally. This girl has some serious man power.

"Ouch!" I shout as my body hits the floor.

"Good. You're officially up." she chirps Happily.

And that is how we ended up in here.

"Malia do are we going to escape somehow cause from the looks of these chains I'm not sure it'll work." Alexandra says.

"Alex my dear don't you worry your pretty little head. We will get out."I tell her. "Aye you! Ugly! Fat thing! Oh my god you worthless Dipshit!" I call out to the guard. And his head snap towards me.

"I wanna talk with your boss f*ckface! Now!" I watch as the guard mindlinks someone.

"Malia what are you doing?" Alex asked a bit horrified.

"Don't worry. It takes more than just one ass whole to screw up my day."

Malia is it working? Did he catch you guys

Well duhh.
How dumb can you be?

We're on our way.

Take your time princess

We cut the mind link. "Yo ass crack where is he?"

"Right here, sweetheart." A deep voice says. Finally, he came into view. White shaggy hair, tattoos from his neck down, firey red eyes that made it look like he could burn you with just the touch of a hand.

"Ah finally. The dipshit that spoiled my mall day." I tease him, making him growl. I would be lying if I said it wasn't a bit sexy.

"Well well well. Long time no see Scarlett."

"What did you just call me?" I growl. That name was never to be used again. That girl is dead!

"I called you by your real name." He spoke.

"Wait, I thought your real name was Malia?"

"It is. Scarlet is dead! I killed her! This is me now that thing!" I growled at him

"What I'm confused?" Alexa said trying to figure what was going on.

"But she wasn't weak. She was strong. She was...what's the word??"

"A monster. My monster." I whispered the last part.

"Ah that's it! Let's raise the beast tonight. Let's have some fun." He said with a twisted smile.

"Look here, pretty boy. You bend me as much as you want. You'll never break me. But go ahead and try."

"Oh where are my manners?" He began.

"Up your ass." I whispered. He growled.

"My name is Lucas, darlings. And play times about to begin."
He said with that twisted smile again, only this time with a crazy fire in his eyes as well.

Oh my lawdddd. Hellur.
I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while.😢😢😢
I was really busy With family and thoes FAB's from school.

Anywhore, I will update more since school is almost out. Test is almost done.

Just one more day!!
Hopefully from now on the A/N's will be a lot shorter! Sorry its long.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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