Getting The Chance to Shine

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 A few days after that night Nyreena was walking down a hallway at school, lost in thought about what the Angel's intentions were for being in Amity Park. She knew that she and the others had to figure out what it was before the city was put in peril because of it. Meanwhile down the hall Erikson was in his usual routine of trying to stay out of everyone else's way and not have anyone managing to see his face. The two being so distracted they had no idea that they were on a direct course for each other until it was too late and they ran into each other. Suddenly pulled back to reality when they felt the force of the thud the two quickly backed up from one another to recover then looking to see who they ran into by accident. The moment she saw Erikson Nyreena quickly averted her gaze so that she wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable and anxious once again. When he realized that was Nyreena that he ran into and saw that she looked away from him to keep from causing another simple accident it made Erikson remember what happened the last time and how he had reacted to it.

Gently reaching out to touch her turned away cheek and and turning her gaze back to his he said, "Please, don't...don't feel like you have to do that. We both probably weren't paying attention to where we were going and had no idea that we were heading right for each other. But I really...I really don't mind it now, though it does remind me that I need to apologize for how I acted when you had come to my aid the other day. I had treated it so poorly when all you were trying to do was help me in my time of need. I'm sorry that I didn't thank you for your kindness and I wish to thank you now, if I still can."

When she felt his touch on her cheek as he turned her face back and listened to him explain himself Nyreena's eyes were filled with complete surprise, as well as feeling her core beat faster the moment she felt him touch her cheek. As he apologized and wondered if he could still thank her for what she did she nodded and replied, "It's alright. There's really nothing to apologize for anyways. I looked at your face before I had a chance to remember and stop myself which just made the situation worse. And you're welcome. When I had seen you starting to fall I just knew that I had to do something before you had a chance to get hurt. Who knows what kind of harassment and all the bullying you might have endured if I wasn't able to save you in time."

Nodding in agreement Erikson understood what she meant he remembered how terrible he felt when he realized it was just an accident he thought for a moment and asked, "I...I didn't make you feel bad about what you did, by any chance? Because after I realized that it was just an accident I felt so awful that I treated your act of kindness like I did."

Trying her best to not react to his question Nyreena thought about lying so that she wouldn't hurt his feelings but something inside of her said to tell the truth and knowing that it was right she lightly sighed and answered, " kind of did. Watching as you scrambled to get away I felt so...heartbroken that I had alienated you so much I could only hope that I didn't scare you so much you didn't want to come back."

Absolutely shocked that when he heard that Erikson tried his best to keep calm and gently asked her, "Then can you at least accept my apology for making you feel that way? That should have never happened, especially to some so kind and caring as you."

Feeling touched by the compliment Nyreena gently smiled and softly nodding she replied, "Yes, I will accept your apology. If it helps you feel at ease that will make me very happy."

Softly smiling in return he sighed in relief and said, "Thank you. It really does help me feel relieved and much better about everything." Then getting a though he mused, "You know, with the way you came to my rescue, it was as if you were destined to be my guardian angel that day."

Just as she was about to blush at that Nyreena's thoughts suddenly flashed to the memory of the Angel and how much he angered her which made her look away just a bit as well as get a troubled look in her eyes. Quickly noticing that Erikson grew a bit concerned and stroking her cheek with his thumb to get her attention and asked, "Hey, is everything alright? Did I say something that made you feel uncomfortable?"

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