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This takes place sometime in the future. Emma and Killian are married and expecting a baby.

Killian Pov:

I'm in the kitchen making my lovely wife some breakfast when I start to hear her humming. I quietly walk upstairs and peak in the door. She is sitting in the nursery rocking in a big brown rocking chair her friend August made. Emma insists they are just friends but I can't help but be jealous. Emma is rubbing her 7 month pregnant belly and softly singing to the baby. She's looking out the big window in the room where you can see the perfect view of the sea. We've decorated the nursery in pale green with an ongoing theme of the forest. We don't know the gender of the baby because I wanted to be surprised. Emma didn't like that idea initially but I talked her into it. She told me I couldn't make the nursery pirate themed unfortunately. She seems to think that the forest more accurately represents our relationship. I guess she's right, then Emma sees me in the doorway

"Killian? How long have you been standing there"

"Sorry luv, can't a man gaze at his gorgeous wife while she sings the most beautiful tune to our unborn child"

She blushes, after all this time I can still make her blush.

"I can't really sing all that well"

"Yes you can"

I walk in the room and she stands up. I wrap my arms around her while she lays her head on my shoulder. We sway in each other's arms.

"Emma, we're having a baby"

"Killian I'm well aware, not like I can forget I'm pregnant" Emma says sarcastically

"I know..... it must be in incredibly uncomfortable for you"

"It doesn't matter, in the end we get a beautiful baby. It's worth it."

I smile at her and kiss her forehead "Darling, could we discuss names"

"We don't know the gender thanks to you"

"Well if it's a girl what should we name her?"

"Hmmm I'm not sure about a girl, but I know what to name the baby if it's a boy"

"What were you thinking Swan"


I stare at Emma with so much love in my eyes. I then kiss her very passionately. She pulls back and giggles

"I guess that means you like the name"

"Of course, that means a lot to me"

"I know"

"I have a name for a girl my love"


"Eva after your grandmother"


"Yes well your mother loved her and"

She places her hand on my chest

"I love it, I've always wanted to meet my grandmother"

"Good. Shall we go to Granny's for breakfast then"

She pecks my lips "Good idea"

Emma Pov:

We drive up to Granny's because being 7 months pregnant, well it's not easy to walk. Also it's raining outside. Recently Killian has learned to drive since I'm too big to fit behind the wheel. He holds my hand and we drive in a comfortable silence. He stops at the intersection but a car comes whipping around the corner and slams into the side of our bug. Killian is immediately knocked out. I can see the blood dripping down his forehead and glass shattered everywhere. His leg is wedged under the wheel and twisted in a new direction. I try to grab his wrist to feel his pulse but I can't feel anything. I notice my hands are covered in blood from the glass. Blood drips from my head and nose. A big piece of glass is wedged in my stomach. I feel stabbing pains in my side and head. I start to feel blood trickling down my leg. All I can do is sob, this could be the moment where I loose everything that matters to me. Suddenly everything gets dizzy as I hear sirens approaching I grab Killian's hand, whisper I love you, then the world goes black.

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