Reset: Prologue, Finale

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Of course, I didn't get very part, but that's not to say I tried. I ran towards the stairs, faked left and then vaulted over the railing to the floor below. Now, I'm no martial artist or stunt performer, so my landing was less than graceful. I landed feet first, crumpled on the floor, got up and tripped over my own feet, successfully face planting on the floor for the second time within seconds. The robots were already moving towards me. The set that had initially chased us were still standing in the doorway, blocking off the entire thing.

I was still frantically looking around the room when I heard the other set of robots and the Lorian come down the stairs. One of the robots moved its arm up and I heard something hydraulic sounding. It started to walking towards me as meanicingly as a robot with no emotion can. I was terrified. Doctor, this is all your fault. I hope your happy.

Alright, I thought to myself, time to stop blaming the Doctor and find a way to get myself out of this mess. If I could just stay alive long enough, the Doctor said he'd be back for me. But, what kind of promise is that, I know nothing about this man. How was he even going to get back up here? It's not like people have rocket ships lying around. Hell, even if he could steal one, who's to say he'd even know how to fly it?

No, I couldn't rely on the Doctor to get me out of here. I could hope, but ultimately, I couldn't count on him and his sonic screwdriver.

The robot lumbered closer and seemed to take aim at me. Oh God, this is how I die... but wait, he said the Lorian wanted me. Did that mean it wanted me alive. I needed to think. What was the first step to getting out of this room? I needed to get away from them. I needed to find a nice little spot to hunker down in so I could make a solid plan for getting of that ship. The first logical thing was to make my way away from these aliens. "You guys used to be human right? Have some sympathy. I know you're still in there. Come on. Let's ge-" The robot fired. I looked down at my chest where the projectile had landed. There was just enough time to see the sewing needle looking device protrude just around my chest before my vision went black.


I woke up some underterminable amount of time later. It took a second to get my bearings. I was laying face down on a table. The table seemed to be made of the same organic looking table that I had seen earlier when we had first met with the Lorian. Looking down, the surface seemed to be made up of thick, smooth vines. Two of these vines were coming out of the table to hold my arms down in a spread eagle position. I supposed it was safe to assume that the same thing was holding down my legs.

Ok Lucy, don't panic. It was hard not to as I looked around the room as much as I could. The wall in front of me held a door that was folded closed. To the righ of the door there were shelves were various foreign looking objects as well as some things that I recognized; jars with liquid containing different body parts from both humans and animals, a potted plant, a sectioned piece of amythyst, an ipod dock, a few DVDs, copies of some classic books. I shivered, hoping that I wouldn't be contributing to the collection of jars containing body parts.

To the left of the door, there were various monitors showing different shapes and wave patterns. Something was making a soft beeping sound. There also seemed to be a set of controls under the monitors. Maybe they have a button I can use to get myself off this ship. It seemed unlikely. The roomed seemed to be set up a kind of lab, probably not the kind of place I could use to teleport myself back to Earth.

The room itself was cool. I could feel goosebumps forming on my arms. It was at this point I realized I was naked. Fantastic. I'm going to get probed by aliens.This was all turning out to be so stereotypically alien that for a second, I thought it was a joke again. And then, the door folded back and the Lorian walked back. It was wearing some kind of small silver band on its neck that I hadn't seen before.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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