The Signs: Hidden Desires

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Aries: To lead others and live life to its fullest.

Taurus: To have a secure, happy, and wealthy life and marriage.

Gemini: To lead a life of variety that underscores their cutting edge personality.

Cancer: To feel safe emotionally, spiritually, romantically, and financially.

Leo: To be momentous, respected, and praised.

Virgo: To love and to be love in return.

Libra: To achieve balance and clarity in life.

Scorpio: To overcome obstacles and create permanency.

Sagittarius: To make a difference in the world.

Capricorn: To be admired by their family, friends, and the world.

Aquarius: To be unique and original and be respected for it.

Pisces: To live their dreams and turn fantasies into realities.

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