Chapter Thirty-two

Start from the beginning

Mean while, during the day. Ronnie had taken all the guys out to a painball field. "What the hell Ronnie?" Nick said as they went inside. "I've never done this before." Jacky said as they got paintball guns. "Its fun. I promise." Ronnie said as he grabbed gear. "Getting shot sounds like a whole lot of fun." Nick said sarcasticly as he put on his gear. "Me and Cyndy did this all the time when we was younger." Ronnie said as they walked into a room. "Okay. Since there is only four of you. Teams of two. Who are the two getting married?" The intructor asked them. "I am." Jacky said rasing his hand. "And me." Nick said. "Now, are any of you related to the brides?" The guy asked. "My sister is his bride." Ronnie said pointing at Jacky. "Okay. Would you like to be with him or agenst him?" The guy asked Ronnie. "Hmm." Ronnie said giving Jacky an evil look. "I done know hes going to pick aginst." Jacky said laughing. "Alright, then you and him on teams." The guy said pointing at Nick. "So that leaves me and you." Ryan said to Jacky. "Oh great." Jacky said laughing as they headed out to the field. "Now when you here the siren, go. You got ten mintues to be ready and plan everything out." The intructior said as he went inside and shut the door. "Okay, what are we going to do?" Jacky asked Ryan. "Wait till we find a hiding spot." Ryan said as he took off running. "Wait for me!" Jacky yelled running after him. "Okay, so heres the plan." Ronnie said as him and Nick got into a small corner. "Game plan. Dont be seen. Dont get exited and shot like a mad man. Aim first." Ronnie also said. "Okay. I got it." Nick said as he looked at his watch. "How much time we got?" Ronnie asked him. "Five." Nick said looking around the corner. "Alright. We have the upperhand. Ryan I dont think as ever played." Ronnie said getting exited.

"Three, two, one." Ronnie said as the siren went off. None moved. "Listen." Ryan said as Jacky and him creeped around a corner. "You think we'll get them first?" Jacky asked looking at Ryan. "Maybe. Im sneaky." Ryan said laughing quietly. They walked down this long path and peep around a corner. "Look!" Jacky said quietly to Ryan. Ryan looked around the corner. It was Ronnie and Nick looking around the other side. "You think you can get him? Your the groom after all and thats your brother-in-law." Ryan said looking at Jacky. "Yeah. I got this." Jacky said as he aimed his gun at Ronnie. "Ronnie!" Nick yelled pointing at Jacky. "Shoot!" Ryan yelled. Jacky quicky pulled trigger and shot after shot, hit Ronnie. "Run!" Jacky yelled as the retreated back. They was followed close by Nick while Ronnie was catching his breath. "Im gunna get you!" Nick yelled while he was laughing and chacing both of them. "No!" Jacky yelled as he took off and left Ryan. "What the hell?" Ryan said still running as he turned and looked back. As soon as he did, Nick nailed him in the face. Ryan fell backwords and landed on his ass. "Oh my god." Ryan said as he looked up at Nick. "Bitch." Nick said standing over Ryan and shot him again in the chest then took off running after Jacky. Jacky was so far ahead, he found a hiding spot. Nick slowly walked by and looked around. Jacky grined and started to shoot Nick. Nick freaked out and started to run. Jacky got out of his hiding spot and took off after him. Nick turned and saw Jacky right on his ass. "No!" Nick yelled as he ducked when Jacky shot at him, then took off running toward Jacky shotting repeatedly. "Fuck!" Jacky yelled as he stopped and tried to turn around but Ronnie was right behind him. He looked back at Nick and then Ronnie again. His eyes got wide. "Your turn fucker." Ronnie said as he aimed his gun. Jacky fell to the ground as soon as Ronnie and Nick fired. Jacky coverd his head. "What the fuck?" Nick yelled as Ronie hit Nick. "Shit!" Ronnie said as he aimed and shot Jacky in the ass repeatedly. "I'll save you!" Ryan yelled running in full speed shooting Ronnie. Ronnie took off running and hoped over Jacky. "Come on!" Ronnie yelled as he grabbed Nick and left. "Mwahah!" Ryan said still shooting at their direction. "You saved my life." Jacky said laughing as he got off the ground. "Nice ass." Ryan said laughing at Jackys colorful butt. "Yeah it dont feel to good." Jacky said trying to look at it. "Wait. Picture." Ryan said as he got out his phone and took a picture of Jackys colorful ass and put it on twitter. Soon as he took the picture the siren went off again to say the game was over.

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