Part 2

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A week pasted. I was comfortable with everything now. I wasn't as shy as I used to be. Dad had a niece. I didn't like her one bit. She was a brat. Whenever I tried to say something she interrupted me. I pulled both, mum, and dad into the kitchen. Away from her. "I hate her. When can she leave. Can she leave now. I don--."

"Fist. She's your cousin. Your fam--." I cut mum off.

"No. No. I don't want to be related to her. She hates me, and I hate her." I peeked me head over the counter a little bit. Except I had to stand on my tippy toes. She was playing on my piano. After a few minutes of silence, she broke it. "She just broke my pia--." Dad put his hand on my mouth from yelling.

"She didn't mean too.." He whispered to me.

"How about we all go inside.." Mum opens the back door.

"Tara!!Come on!!" Dad yelled over to her. She looked at me, and I looked at her. Her annoying brown curls, pink fluffy dress.. DISGUSTING!!

In our backyard, we had a tire swing. She ran to it an yelled, "Uncle Felix!! Come push me!!" She yelled.

He started to push her as I was just standing there by mum. I hated her. Mum went to watch them. After she was over by Tara, I was alone in the wind like I was nothing.


Tara was still here. We where both on the couch, except on different ends. I was on the right, and she was on the left. "Whys your hair blue?"

"Cuz' it can be." I murmured angrily. She scooted by me, and yanked my hair. I smacked her hand. "What was that for?!" I yelled.

"I was trying to see if it was fake!!" She yelled at me smacking my hand. I smacked her hand again, then we started to have a kitty fight. Except in my mind I wanted to rip her head off.

Mum came out of the kitchen and said, "Both of you stop!!" We both set our hands down. "Why where you two doing that?"

"Fist pulled my hair!!" She yelled.

I hoped off of the couch. "She's lying!! She pulled my hair!!" I screamed.

Dad came from down the steps, and pointed upstairs. "Come on, Fist. It's bed time."

I shook my head as tears started to leave them. "Y-You two n-ne-never believe me!!" I yelled backing into a corner. "You always believe her!! She blames EVERYTHING on me!!" I started crying fully. I tried to wipe them away, but more kept coming.

I heard mum, and dad ask Tara, "Did you pull his hair, or did he pull yours?"

"He pulled mine."

"Fist, come on." Dad told me.

The anger inside me rosed higher. "YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME!!" I yelled dashing for upstairs. Before I went into my room I screamed, "I WISH I NEVER CAME HOME WITH YOU!!"

I threw my self on my bed as my pillow was wet. No matter how hard I tried tears kept falling down. Few minutes later I heard footsteps upstairs. "Fist, you in there?"

It was dad. "G-go a--awa-away.." I yelled gasping through my words.

He didn't listen, and walked right in. I hide my face away from his. "She confessed." I sat up straight, but still to eye contact. "She wanted to know if your hair was fake."

"Is she gone?" I asked looking at my feet.

He nodded. "Her mother came to pick her up."

It was silent till I hugged dad very tightly. He hugged me back. I buried my head in his sweater. "I'm sorry for what I said, I'm sorry for what I said." I kept saying over, and over.

"Sh.. sh.. sh.." Dad kept telling me over, and over. I started to cry again. "I believe you, I believe you, I believe you.." He kept saying too. He started to rube my back which made me calm down a little bit. Tears started to slow down. "Get some rest, alright?"

I nodded as I crawled under my blue blanket. "I love you, dad.." I whispered.

He scrubbed my hair. "I love you to, Fist."



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