Chapter 5

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If Jenny had any friends, she supposed she would be texting them right now, asking them their opinion on what they think she should do, in terms of the situation she was currently in.

But she didn't.

So, the only person's opinion she knew about, was her own.

The slip of paper Niall had given her was in one of her hands, her fingers grasped around it as she pondered what to do.

She could either abandon the situation and Niall like she had previously planned to do, or she could text him and maybe get to know him a little bit. Because, surely, if he had given her his number, he clearly did want to talk to her, right?

But another thought that made Jenny hesitate from texting him was that it could've just been one of the other band members - or even someone from management - pretending Niall had written the note so she would continue to talk to him.

There was no way she was going to call him - that was for sure, because she had never liked phone calls; she had always found them awkward, but she was very tempted to send him a text.

In a moment of random courage, she found herself typing a message on her phone, and before even reading over it, she pressed send.

To: Niall

hi, its jenny from yesterday. :) sup

As soon as Jenny read what she had send, she cringed and immediately tried to delete the text, but it had already been sent.

Really? 'Sup'? she thought to herself in embarassment. When did she ever say 'sup'?

She ran a hand through her brown hair and simply sighed, accepting the fact that she couldn't do anything about saying 'sup' in the text since it was already delivered.

And hey, maybe Niall would find her 'sup' very meaningful, and would pour his heart out to her.

Probably not.

Jenny stared at her phone for a few moments, hoping for a reply from Niall, but no messages came. She didn't really know what to do as she waited for a reply, so she just decided to slip on one of her most worn and loved hoodies, and head out to a nearby cafe. That seemed to be all she could think of to do. She didn't know what to do with her life. She used to -- she once had so much plans for life and dreams she hoped would one day become a reality, but that all changed in the space of a few hours. That was years ago, but she hadn't become much more optimistic since.

She shook her head as if to rid herself of the bad thoughts and put her earphones into her ears. She started playing one of her favourite songs and began her trip to the cafe. No more than two minutes after she had left, she received a text.

From: Niall

Oh hello Jennifer

She simply stared at the screen, not knowing what to think. What kind of a reply is that? She thought, but then, she remembered the text she had sent him at first, and realised her excuse of a conversation starter was just as bad as his reply.

She had thought that maybe the conversation would go smoothly from the beginning and they'd get closer - like how they did with movie or book characters, but clearly that wasn't how it worked in real life.

She sent 'ok' as a reply without thinking, and she couldn't help but groan at how stupid she was. She was supposed to get a conversation going, but sending 'ok' as a text was a sure way to end the texting session (if you could even call it that).

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