"Hello." He answered.

"Hey C, you busy?"

"Naw, just left practice."

"You think you can meet me somewhere. We need to talk."

"Uh, sure. Where?"

"Meet me at the Applebees in the mall parking lot." I said.

"Alright, I'll see you in a minute."

"Okay." I hung up the phone and tossed it back in my purse, gathered my things and headed out to my car. Once everything was in my trunk I got in and headed over to the restaurant.

It took him at least 20 minutes to finally pull up. Grabbing my purse I got out. He walked over to me.

"Wassup Nicki."

We hugged.

"Hey Chris, nice truck."

"Thanks, it's your sisters but she won't drive it."

I smirked. "Let's go eat, I'm hungry."

We headed inside and in no time we were seated at a both near the back. A few people noticed who Chris was, so I guess a booth in the back was a good idea.

After the waitress took our drink orders, we just sat there.

"So wassup, I know you didn't ask me here for no reason." Chris said.

"You're right I didn't. Everything okay with you and my sister?"

"Yeah, from what I know everything is okay."

"You wouldn't lie to me right."

"We had a disagreement back in Miami but I think we're over that."

"So the bruises on her arms, where did that come from?"

He scratched his head and started messing with his phone.

"I'm waiting for an answer." I sipped on my lemonade while glancing at him.

"I didn't mean to. My anger just gets the best of me at times. I'm a very territorial person, I don't like to share what's mine."

"What you mean by that?"

"She hasn't told you about the guy from her computer class that she likes to hang out with now?"

"No, she hasn't."

"Well there's this dude named Ronnie that she goes painting with and I can tell just by the way that he looks at her that he's feeling her. It's the same way I look at her and I'm not cool with that. I tell Sabrina to leave him alone and she tells me no and that I'm overreacting. I just can sense that this is going to end bad."

"My, how the tables have turned."

He put his head down. "So what you saying this Karma for the shit that I've done back in high school?"

"Looks like it to me. You played my sister and now you're afraid that she's going to play you for this Ronnie guy."

Chris didn't say anything, he just played with the straw in his cup.

"But besides that, you need to get your temper together. My sister shouldn't be walking around with a big ass bruise on her arm that she attempted to cover with make up. I used to hear all the time about you two fighting but I never knew that it was this serious."

"It's not that serious, I just got beside myself."

"You're jealous and I understand that. But like I said you gotta control that temper. You're like a brother to me but Sabrina is my blood sister and I DO NOT play about her. That's something that you already know. I don't want to kill you Chris."

Player II: Accustomed To The Game Where stories live. Discover now