Ties That Bind

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From that day forward Lauren and Saira became inseparable with Lauren being ever so careful to never allow her secret to be known.

Years passed and as Lauren grew and matured so did the unspoken love that was growing between them . Only when lauren became Phillips betrothed was Saira finally able to admit her feelings for her .

Lauren had her family to think of and the fact was that Saira was an immortal that would never age and Lauren was very well aware that as a mortal her time was limited.

As much as she loved Saira, Lauren could not afford herself the luxury of investing in the eventual doom of their relationship.

On the eve of her 18th birthday lauren readied herself for her marriage to philip but she could not marry until she visited saira one last time before adjourning to her new life .

It was on that last visit that Lauren was presented with what seemed to be a simple mirror yet the mirror was actually a portal to Saira .

Saira explained that were lauren to ever change her mind all she needed to do was to look into the mirror and think of Saira and she would be immediately transported to where Saira was.

Lauren knew she could no longer see Saira.

As much as she loved her their participation in each others lives would one day lead them into insurmountable danger and Lauren's could not live with herself were anything to happen to Saira.

Lauren could see the sun begin its descent just upon the horizon and began to say her goodbyes to Saira when Saira herself broke her fairy protocol as she looked into Lauren's now tear filled eyes and kissed her . though the kiss caught Lauren completely off guard she let herself go and gave herself completely to the feelings that kiss elicited within her.

No matter what the future held both women would carry the memory of that kiss for years to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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