Chapter 10

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I woke up with a start, breaking out in a cold sweat, chills making their way down my back. I looked around me and saw Joshua laying next to me and my heart slowed down a little, comforted by his presence. I hugged my knees to my chest and thought about my dream. I had told Joshua I loved him but only he had heard, I had not said it aloud. I thought back to the dream about my mother and the conversation I had heard "developed...powers...20th year." One word stuck out in my head. Powers.

No there's no such thing as special abilities. That's something you read about in books. It's not real life. Powers are not normal. But what about my life is?

'Focus in this moment' I told myself. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. I repeated the words over and over until they became a slur of jumbled letters. My nerves buzzed and every hair on my body stood up.

After the anxiety raged on I allowed myself to consider what had happened. Joshua's quiet breathes were the only sounds. Powers. I had never considered the existence of abilities but my life had taken a sudden spin in a different direction.

I took a deep breathe and filled my whole body with air, willing the air to wash away my doubts as I was about to attempt something I viewed as impossible. Joshua's peaceful sleeping face drifted to mind and my worried floated away.

'Wake up Joshua' I thought to him. propelling the words out of my head. For a second there was still nothing just his quiet little breathes filling the silent room. Then he stirred. My hand flew to my mouth. It could be a coincidence there was no way he had heard me.

His blue eyes looked up at me. His hair was perfectly slept in it fell in patches against his forehead shadowing his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and reached for my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Why did you wake me up Nany?" he questioned.

It was true. My dreams were true. All of it was true. The impossible had just become my reality. And then the tears flowed freely. Joshua looked up at me his beautiful face clouded with concern.

"Nany? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I couldn't find words to describe to him what was happening, so I settled with showing him.

'Joshua..can you hear me' I thought to him pushing the words from my mind to his.

He watched my face closely his eyes focused on mine, then his eyes became wide with both surprise and understanding.

He sighed "Yes Bethany I can hear you. You saw the day you were taken from me didn't you?"

I had no words left so I nodded.

His hands caressed my sides and his lips found mine in an attempt to soothe me.

"It's easier to show you than to tell you. Get dressed we're going out."

I scrambled to my feet, my joints popping in a protest against the early action. I slipped on jeans and started to walk out.


I turned around impatiently "Yes?"

"I think you might need a shirt lovely." said Joshua as he winked at me.

I momentarily forgot about where we were going or what my dreams were about and I laughed. A real laugh, the kind of laugh that makes you sore the next day. Joshua smiled that dazzling smile of his and pulled me to him.

"You'll understand everything soon Nany." he whispered into my neck. Leaving a small trail of kisses down to my collarbone.

I sighed, willing my life to be like this forever. But I needed answers so I pulled a sweat shirt over my head and smoothed out my unruly hair. Grabbing my keys on the way out. A Panting Joshua running behind me.

"Bethany Taylor! You don't even know where to go and I'm not putting up with your horrendous driving." he chuckled.

I mocked hurt putting my hand over my chest in shock. "Why Joshua it is my car you know."

"Yes but it is my job to make sure you survive to see this."

With that I gave in and handed him my keys. This was it all the pieces would finally fit together my life would finally make sense and I would understand. My name was called from across the lot and I turned after it.

Derrick stood straight as a rod, his cloudy blue eyes shining like headlights in the morning fog. His hands balled in fists and glued to his sides. He looked like he hadn't slept in days his hair was disheveled and he had dark circles under his eyes. His handsome face was pale and hollow, his jaw and cheek bones sharp and angular. This was not the Derrick I knew, but as Joshua pushed me behind him and crouched into a fighting position I realized that this was a Derrick Joshua knew.

This was news to me and I was not about to be fooled again.

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