“Hey Savy, it’s got a letter in it!” Taylor announces and hands out an envelope at me. I can’t believe she just ignored my nagging. I think she’s the only one who could do that. I mean, come on! It takes power to ignore a person like me. I’m more annoying than a toddler on a tantrum. That’s Levi’s exact words by the way.

I look back at her and tilt my head. I don’t remember using that purse, all the more putting a piece of junk in it, so I stare at it for a moment. My mother might have left some old electricity bill in there or something less important. Out of curiosity, I eventually take it from Taylor and flip it around.

A big ‘TO MY LITTLE PRINCESS SAVSAV’ was printed at the back of the envelope.

I was right, she left something less important. She left a letter for someone who doesn’t exist anymore.

I want to cry, but to laugh at this joke is so much easier. Her guts to leave me a goodbye message is just hilarious. Did she really think that leaving me a piece of paper would absorb all the tears I’ve shed after she left me alone with the maids one night? She even promised me she’d come back. She never did, and my heart would break each day I come home with no mother.

But then, that was when I was six. Now that I’m turning 18 in four months, I’m stronger. I’m no longer a child who needs a mother. So I don’t need this letter.  I don’t need some lame excuse or some sad story because I don’t care anymore.

I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it to trash, and just like that, the letter is gone. I didn’t even look at it when I threw it. I just don’t want to see that piece of junk ever again. The sight of it only reminds me of the woman who left me with a stupid promise and a broken heart.

I stare at the empty space in front of me for a while, until Taylor broke me off my sentimental thoughts. 

“Get changed, we got no time for life’s dramas tonight.” Taylor advices.

She's right. I looked at the wall clock hanging above my king-sized bed. Its quarter to nine in the evening and the party starts at ten. It’s getting late. I don’t have time for stress and wrinkles.

Taylor hands me the black dress and I threw her a confused look.

"I thought you don't want me to steal your spotlight?"

“I'm feeling generous today.” she smiles cheekily.

Oh, I love my best friend. 

"I just absolutely love you Tay! I swear, you're the best!"

"Okay, okay!" she says, "Just go hurry up. I want to drink some wine right now."

As soon as she left, I started doing my hair and make-up, not that I needed it though. I’m pretty enough and that’s a serious statement.

Not kidding.


I do these grooming things just to prove that I am a girl.

Besides, I’m going to a formal party, so I took my time drying my hair, straightening it, putting some foundation on my face, applying some eye shadow, dabbing on just a faint blush on my cheeks, and all the other essentials.

I could do this all night.

“Savannah! Hurry up! You’re slower than my turtle!” Levi complains.

I stand corrected. Ugh, Levi such an inconsiderate brat. And wait, what turtle?

“You don’t have a turtle, idiot!” I shot back at him. “And I’m almost done! Just wait!”

After I finished everything, I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, and I’m satisfied.

My long shiny black hair falls perfectly straight in my high ponytail, and my heels just added 5 inches to my 5’6’’ height.  The tight dress I’m wearing defines my slim figure well, and it shows off my little curves the way I like it to. The color of my dress makes me look pale though, but oh well. I still like how it emphasizes my steel grey eyes. I’m in love right now, too much beauty.

I could forget everything in the world just staring at myself, and when I was about to get to the forgetting-everything-in-the-world zone, a wild blonde storms in.

“SAVANNAH! LET’S – whoa…”  Levi trails off.

A slight smirk forms my lips. I do look good.

“I know Lev, I know. I’m stunning, I’m gorgeous, I’m lovely,  I’m the prettiest being alive. I’ve already heard enough of those. Okay?” I say trying to sound nonchalant.

“What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t even see you there.”

“Then why are you so shocked?”

“Because I saw myself in the mirror!” he exclaims. “And by the way,” he scans my outfit “you look fat.”

I throw a pillow at his face. Fat. F-a-t. Those letters combined together make one awful word and this creature I’m facing just called me that. He did right?

“Did you just call me fat?” I seethed.

He moves back a little, knowing that I’m now mad, but he didn’t took back his insult so I march towards him and push him so hard, he got outbalanced and fell on the floor.


I dive on top of him and wrestle him, not caring about my newly polished nails. Right now, I just want to strangle him and teach him a lesson to never call me fat because if you do, you will die.

He will die.

“Children, this is no time for making love.” Taylor teases from behind the doorway. We both look up at her grinning face as she grabs us both by the wrist proclaiming, “We gotta go to the party!” 

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