Chapter 18

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Harry and Zayn were such jerks! First, Harry decides that he wants to be all touchy feely and tickled me so bad I almost pissed myself, and then Zayn just let it happen!

And then, after things had "calmed down", I try to be slick and tickle Harry and he friggin' seduced me into leaving him alone! The prick! To be honest though, I don't mind. I love the feel of Harry's lips... gentle yet demanding, not at all like any other girls' lips. Images of our previous snog sessions come flooding in, surprising me. I didn't mean to think of that! Especially not underneath Harry...

Harry must have noticed something going on... Or up, if you catch my drift. His eyes widened but he smirked, leaning down to my ear. "Need some help with that, Lou?" he whispered, making me shiver and blush.

I almost nodded. I almost told him that of course I wanted his "help". But I didn't, because straight guys don't say that to other straight guys...

"GET A BLOODY ROOM!" Zayn yelled, reminding both Harry and I that we weren't alone. I just blushed even harder, mumbling some random nonsense and Harry glared at Zayn as if he had interrupted something very important. Zayn smirked even harder at my confused and embarrassed expression and then went back to watching the TV. Weirdo!

"So, as comfortable as this is, when can I get up?" I asked Harry, face still a permanent tomato red. I really had some... business... to take care of.

He smirked, he probably knew why I wanted to leave. Cheeky bastard.


"So, as comfortable as this is, when can I get up?" Louis asked, squirming underneath me. He was still blushing, and damn did he look adorable.

I smirked; I knew exactly what he wanted to go do. His eyes narrowed when he saw me grin and he squirmed again. Mentally I cursed.

Having Louis underneath me, with a boner, moving. I jumped up hurriedly, trying to get those thoughts out of my head. Thinking of my Grandmother naked worked... and was very creepy and not something I ever wanted to think about again.

He looked at me confused, probably wondering why I suddenly gave into him but ran out anyway. I fell back onto the couch, sighing with relief.

Zayn coughed. "Too much for you Harry?" he asked, laughing. I rolled my eyes but didn't disagree, it was true.

As I was laying there something occurred to me. "Hey, won't this be our last video diary. And then... " I trailed off sadly. I didn't want to lose my four new best friends. It's like I lost my old life when this all started, but I didn't really mind.

Although I hadn't finished my sentence, Zayn knew exactly what I meant. He was probably thinking the same thing. "Yeah mate... I wouldn't worry though!" he said, trying to sound confident.

I sighed, not even bothering to answer and went to go find Louis. He couldn't still be taking care of his... issues. Right! That's... oh I'm not even going to finish that.

I walked in to find him asleep on his bed, all snuggled up in his duvet and his blue blanket from our set. I smiled, he was adorable.

I had the urge to kiss him. Like, really bad. I needed his lips on mine once more. I knew that this could be considered sexual harassment or whatever, and that if he woke up he'd probably freak out... but I couldn't help myself.

I went over to him, heart racing and bent down, kissing him softly. I almost moaned at the feel of his soft, almost feminine, lips against mine but I really didn't want to wake him up, so instead I softly pulled away, walking to my own bed and tried to sleep.

This Is More Than A Bromance: Larry StylinsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora