Part 3: Future

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The door opens quietly. Mr. Takeda does not even bother to look, he knows about the uninvited guest. Gakushuu stands in front of the door. That boy does not manage to get away unscathed. Some men land a hit on him. He has a bruise on his right cheek, his uniform is a mess and blood runs from his mouth.

The secretary face becomes pale. It is out of their mind that a boy like Gakushuu can pass the tight security. "How... how can you-"

"It's a child play. I've memorized the blueprint of this building. I only need to evade securities men while avoiding security camera. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough to beat five men at the same time."

Mr. Takeda turns at the secretary, "I suggest you leave, Ms. Akko. Please let the bodyguards and security return to their place. I'll be fine."

The woman seems to be worried. However, it is not the sole reason for her fear. Gakushuu holds a gun on his hand. She is reluctant to leave, but she must inform the men to get back on their base. After she leaves, Mr. Takeda sits down on his chair.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Don't play dumb. I think you know why I am here..."

That man laughs. Both father and son are horrifying. They have an inhuman capability that is hard to comprehend. He wonders why he has bravery to go against them, "I'm honestly surprised you can track me this fast. Tell me, what did you do?"

"It's simple. I might be shocked to see what happened to my father, but I remembered the type and the car's number. At first, I stumbled because the car number was fake. However, the car and the fake plate number was shown around the street camera. The tracking became easier after that."

The atmosphere turns cold as Gakushuu stares him with anger. For the first time, Mr. Takeda sees the difference between father and son. Gakuhou has better control of his emotion. He will not show his anger despite being furious. Gakushuu however, gives him a pure raw emotion. Perhaps they are not as similar as he thinks.

Mr. Takeda refuses to let out any words come out from his mouth. That man decides to keep his secret. Gakushuu can see a determination in his eyes. The old man has something to protect and is not afraid to die. That boy needs something to make him talk and gets the right bait for it.

"I knew what my father did to your son. He brainwashed your son into a gambling addict, doesn't he?"

Gakushuu knows he pushes the right button. Mr. Takeda is shocked, that man looks down in shame. This is inevitable. He cannot run anymore. Gakushuu can see a crack in his defense. That man finally starts to speak.

"At first I don't care at all. He might be my son, but he has done so many terrible things to others...." He pauses his sentence for a while, "Your father's student is one of it...."

Gakushuu remembers the smiling boy in the past, "Ikeda..."

"I decided to cut my connection with him. However, after all this year I've seen how broken minded my son is.... All he cares about is money for gambling and alcohol. He keeps begging for it and keeps losing it. I thought that this is what my son reaps after what he sows and just let it be, but I can't do that. He is my son and he still has my blood. He changes because of one man. That man... I can't just keep this grunge for eternity..."

"Is that why you shot my father?"

Suddenly, that old man laughs hysterically. He finally lost it and snapped. Mr. Takeda looks into his eyes, "I actually want to shoot you, so he knows how it feels like to lose a son! However, I never thought he will protect you with his own life...." He has a bitter smile on his face, "I know how badly he treats you, but he will do anything for you! It's ironic how he is a better father than me, isn't it?"

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