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"I'm ready for sports." Riley said confidently. She looked like a clown.

"Riles, that's a lot of colors you got on there." Farkle chuckled

"It's rainbow." She gushed

"Riley loves rainbow." August said grabbing his basketball

"Here August, give me your bag." Farkle said

"Is Maya coming?" He asked

"I'm right here." She said climbing through the window "Jesus Riley, do you always need to look like a pack of highlighters." Maya laughed. Riley grinned as they walked into the living area

"Where are you all going?" Topanga asked from the kitchen the table

"We're gonna play at the Y.M.C.A" Riley started singing as they all joined in "We're gonna play at the Y.M.C.A!"

"Be back at a decent time please."

"Will do Mom." Riley smiled


"Alright Auggie show them what you got." Lucas said clapping his hands together "Ready. Set. Go." He said blowing a whistle.

Lucas Friar was 19 years old and had previously gone to school with all of them the year prior he is a part of their circle, he now volunteered at the local Y.M.C.A.

The rest of them sat on a bench cheering him on.

"Go August." Farkle cheered as he went through the routine

"He's getting really good at this." Lucas said sitting next to Maya "I think he's gonna play really well."

"Don't think so, know so." Riley laughed

Lucas chuckled "Alright then, I know he's gonna play well."

"That's great Lucas." She smiled. He blew his whistle again

"Alright Auggie, come here."

"How'd I do?" August asked anthusiaclly

"You did amazing!" Farkle exclaimed, which made August grin

"Auggie there's a basketball team that plays here on Friday's, I think you should join." Lucas said


"Really." Lucas smiled "Why don't you go get a drink."

"Okay." He said running off

Farkle stood up beside Lucas "You're really good with him." He smiled

"Thanks Farkle, he's a really good kid. I know how much you care about him." Lucas said looking at him

"Awe." Riley gushed,causing Maya to faceplam

They boys chuckled at Riley

"Farkle are you ready to get stomped again?" August asked

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