Return of the Trickster

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(A/N: Okay, so I've already uploaded a bit of this story onto my account (SociopathicAngel) and I though 'Why not upload it here, too?'  So, here is the prologue of what will end up being a multi-story fic that stretches across seven different fandoms! I hope that you all will enjoy it! :) )

The Avengers knew there was trouble when the giant glowing green flower appeared in the night sky.

The team had been lounging in the common room of the tower when it simply appeared, starting as a single pinprick of light, identical to every other star in space, before spiraling outwards into an enormous lotus blossom design. The fantastic display hung directly over the stoic figure of the Statue of Liberty in the distance, her blazing torch pointed skyward as if to say, 'You guys had better get your butts in gear and fix this. Now.'

Needless to say, they didn't need any further encouraging. They were all halfway into their suits when Fury called, a hologram of his stormy features popping up in front of Tony as he hastily stepped into the suit that had ejected itself from the far wall.

"Just what in God's name is happening down there, Stark?" Fury asked in, well, fury. "The energy readings are off the charts! Get over there!"

"Well, what do you think I'm doing here, Nickey?" Tony replied with his usual dripping sarcasm, "Getting ready for a late night stroll? Rodgers, Banner, Romanoff, and Barton are loading in the jet as we speak. And Thunderpants," he said just as Thor reentered the room, his cape billowing behind him and his hammer held loosely in his hand, "is flying over with me."

Fury nodded once. "Good. I want whatever that is taken care of yesterday." The hologram blipped out and Tony and Thor flew out of the large window that Jarvis had opened for them, heading straight for the distant monument. They rendezvoused with the others a short distance from the base of the Statue of Liberty and briefly stared up at the lights above them as they rotated slowly against the void.

Steve was the first to tear his eyes away from the sight.

"Iron Man, have Friday scan the tower for any signs of life," the patriotic captain requested.

Tony quickly addressed his AI, "You heard the man, Friday. Scan the entire structure, top to bottom. I want a full spectrum, not just heat."

The display on the inside of his visor lit up in a glowing green grid as the program quickly swept over the metal of the statue. Less than a second later, the display focused on the high up torch, magnifying it so that Tony could see a patch of blue amongst the night vision green.

"Boss, there appears to be something moving around on the torch, but it's colder than the metal surrounding it," Friday noted, "Could be a machine, alien, or mutant, but it definitely isn't human."

Tony nodded and quickly relayed the information to Steve.

"Friday found something moving around on the torch, but it's far below 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Definitely not homo sapien." Thor sucking in a small surprised breath at this, but either no one heard or no one thought anything of it.

Steve nodded and began to concisely give out orders. "Everyone back in the jet. Iron Man and Thor, both of you fly up ahead of us. I'll have Friday take over and drop us off." Steve turned and jogged back towards the jet with the others, completely missing the sarcastic salute that Tony sent towards his retreating back.

Mandela Effect: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now