Obscure Beauty

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He hands her a rose,

It's wilting, soon to disappear.

She throws down the blossom,

Displaying a nasty sneer.

As she walks away,

There is not but a single tear.

What she hadn't realized,

Was how the colours mixed together.

It was if galaxies were trapped in the petals,

Of the rose he slipped in his bag of leather.

The blossom came with him,

And he ignored the bad weather.

Rain dripped down his face,

As he walked down the pier.

What he should do now,

That much was clear.

At the end of the dock a girl sat alone,

Startled when he came near.

He sat down beside her,

Then offered the rose.

Her face lit up,

Quickly she arose.

"Thank you!"

"I don't mean to impose..."

He was about to leave,

But she grabbed his wrist.

"Before you go,"

He tried to resist.

"This might sound silly but..."

Suddenly she let go and gave her hair a twist.

When she held out the dying rose,

It was all sorts of purple with dusty white dots.

Blushing and turning red,

The girl tried to sort out her thoughts.

Knowing what to say now,

She pointed at one of the spots.

"Looking at it,

I see the stars."

The boy simply grinned,

"That secret can be ours."

Going to his bike he climbed on,

Gripping the handlebars.

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