Chapter 2

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The last name made me nervous all of the sudden, because nobody talks about my grandmother because she was in the category of bad guys. Both my mom and dad tried working with her, but she would always let them down, so nobody in my family ever got involved with her missions. After Mr. McRider talked to us about our new mission, we were dismissed. "Do you think the special guest is your grandmother?" Jensen knew about my grandmother,  everyone did. "I hope it isn't, or else I'll be joining my grandfather." I said bluntly. I knew my grandfather died in a fire explosion, but I didn't know how, so I suspected my grandmother killing him. "Don't worry, Bella. I won't let anything happen to you. Okay?" I smiled. Everyone left hours later, but Jenson and I were the only clients left working. Jensen finished then went over to my desk. "Hey, Bella. Want to go get something to eat?" He smiled. I looked over at him, leaning on my desk like he always did. He pretended to act smoothly, but he never quite mastered that. It was always funny when he tried though. I smiled back but decline the invitation.

"That would be lovely,  but I really should catch up on my work after being gone for a week." I lightly laughed. "Oh. Okay" He started to leave. "Jenson." He stopped walking and turned towards me. "Thank you, though." He nodded with a small smile, and left. I went back to work fixing papers, correcting Grammar errors, and checking off my list until I finish at Ten O'clock at night. I yawned, turned off my desk lamp, and started walking to my Black SUV. I picked up food at Chick fil-a and drove to my apartment. Once I got to my apartment, it seemed like my whole world started to slowly flip upside down...  I went in and heard my phone machine play a phone call. I identified the voice, it was my mother. After I put everything down, I picked up the phone, and called her again. "Hello?" Asked a smooth and happy voice on the other side of the phone. "Mom, it's me Isabelle! I got your message. Is everything alright?"

"Of course, Dear. It's Jack..."

"What? What happened?!"

Jack walked into his apartment, the lights were off, so he turned them on, first not expecting anything. He waited a few minutes.  Nothing happened. Suddenly a shadow came closer towards him. Only for a few seconds could he see the face, he gasped. "It's you! I thought you were dead!" Those were the only words he said before he passed out.

"He's in the hospital right now...He almost died!"

My eyes widened and I heard a gasp coming from my lips. Shocked and worried for my brother. How could someone do this to my brother? I knew one thing.... They wouldn't get away with it. I put my dinner in the fridge and ran to the car, still on the phone with my mom. "I'll be right over!"

"Bring your boyfriend, Jenson." I sighed and shook my head. My mom meant well, but when I say I'm not dating someone, I mean it. "He's not boyfriend." I said, irritated, and hung up, then called Jenson and told him what's happening as I got into my car and drove off. "I'm going there now!" After hanging up, I turned a few times and got to the hospital as quickly as I could, practically running to my brother's hospital room and rushing to his side. I looked at my mom and dad. Jack was just waking up. "What happened?" I ask her. "Someone broke inside his apartment and beat him up..."

"Hmm..." Now, why would someone do that to my baby brother? "Does he have anybody that hates him?" My mom nodded towards Jack. "Ask him." I looked at my brother's beaten up face and couldn't stand to see my brother hurt. Ever. I just wanted to find the person who did this and teach them a lesson. Bruises littered his face, and a few open wounds were still visible from when the nurses stitched them up. Jack looked so... So scared.... "Jack." I took his hand in my own gently, and asked him the question I asked my mother. He looked at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes I ever saw. Usually I'd laugh or jokingly groan when I saw my brother's puppy dog eyes, but this time my heart only broke more. "I..I don't know." He frowned and winced. "I'm kind of sleepy..." He muttered, looking around at everyone in the room before he closed his eyes. My mom, my dad, Jenson and I left. Once we all left, he opened his eyes and sighed again. "They can't know. He's suppose to be dead..."

Isabella VaughnWhere stories live. Discover now