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Adrian's POV


Today I am currently sitting backstage at the first SmackDown Live of the year and I'm waiting for them to announce the new General Managers. I'm beyond excited to be back for the first time in a long time and sitting in this little office-like room is making me very antsy. None of the talent knows that I am here besides Randall and of course the directors/bosses and that's because they want my pop to be huge and in order for that to work rumors can't start swirling around that I'm here.

As I sit here waiting for my music to hit I hear my phone start ringing so I check it real quick just to make sure it's nothing important. When I look I see that it's a notification on twitter from Anthony [randy's son in this story], I click the link he sent me and it's a video of the boys congratulating me and saying they're proud. It overwhelmed me with happiness and now I really couldn't wait to walk out on to that stage.

Just as I put my phone back in my bag I heard Shane say "Please welcome your new general manager of smackdown live" and just as he said that I walked through the office door with cameras in my face. My music hit and I made my way out onto the stage as the crowd erupted with cheers. Waving at fans as I walked through the curtain and saw over 20,000 people in this stadium, this is what I was born to do.. This is where my heart belongs.

I stood in front of the microphone getting ready to speak, but not being able to because of how loud the fans currently were. "okay okay, thank you for welcoming me back into the arms of our home." I say, smiling like a lunatic at everyone in attendance tonight. "over the past couple of years if you couldn't tell by my belly, I've been busy doing family things. I'm in love with my husband and incredibly happy with my new little family, but nothing will beat my love for the WWE Universe!" I screamed, as the fans cheered and hollered.

"Now, it is a pleasure and an absolute honor to be assigned the new general manager of smackdown live and as the boss of this division, I promise to give equal opportunities to all of the talent that will be placed on my roster." I pause for a moment, taking a breath and flipping the page of the speech I wrote. "To all of the 'divas' on my roster, you will no longer be announced as such a travesty. You will be equal to the men as all is fair on my roster and you will now be known as Superstars and nothing less." The crowd erupted once again at this news and looking at all the girls faces in the crowd I knew that was the best decision I would make.

"It's also has come to my attention that the women are afraid to be placed on the smackdown roster in fear that they won't have a title opportunity, but I'm here to tell you we will have a smackdown Live women's championship." As I said this, the announcer in the ring removed the cover off the table revealing a new championship for our smackdown women. "As I said, my roster will be provided nothing but opportunities and I can't wait to work with all of the talent soon. Thank you for having me and thank you for allowing me to guide such a tremendous amount of young talent". I blew a big kiss at the fans as I turned around and made my way backstage.

Not only was I tearing up from being so happy and excited to be back in front of my fans, but once I got backstage I was surrounded by nothing but love. New as well as old talent greeted me and it couldn't have been a better night. It's exciting to be back on the road with some old friends and even family. This will forever be a memory in my book.

Author's Note

Bare with me, I know this update is short and it was a long time coming; however the next chapter will time hop to Adrian having the new baby and you'll just have to wait to find out the rest. I'm happy to be back and can't wait to start writing some new chapters. I'm not really sure how many updates will be provided, but I can tell you that a couple more are coming your way the next couple of weeks. (:

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