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Randy's POV

Two Months Later


I was being awoken by a small voice saying something that my brain wouldn't quite comprehend because it was trying to wake up still. I felt two little hands shake my arm still speaking as I open my eyes and see my beautiful twelve year old princess standing in front of me. I notice that it's still dark out and decide to check my night stand clock, blinking a couple of times because everything is still a little fuzzy I notice the time is nearly 4:00am..

"Alanna, why are you awake so early?" I ask in a very soft tone, as I sit up on the bed looking right at her. "Its mommy, she said I needed to come wake you because shes having the baby!" as Alanna muttered this, I shot up and ran straight for the stairs not wasting anymore time. I found Aid sitting on one of our kitchen stools with two towels, clearly in pain. "okay okay, lets get you in the car baby". I raced to the bedroom, slipping into some shorts and a tank top, grabbing the car keys and getting Aid situated in the front seat of our car.

When we arrived at the hospital they rolled her back in a wheelchair as Alanna and I followed, watching the nurses instruct my beautiful wife on how to breath and relax. Once we reached the room she was assigned to they quickly called the doctor and soon enough our baby girl was being delivered. Aid squeezed my hand like never before as she was instructed to push and take deep breaths, she looked up at me a few times and I could see the pain on her face.

Time Skip - Two Weeks After Delivery

I felt the luxurious bed of ours dip down as Adriana crawled beside me, clearly trying not to wake me up. I rolled over to see her sitting up starring at her phone. I slowly sat up, careful not to startle her. "what are you doing baby?" I ask quietly. "Amara just fell back asleep and I can't sleep quite yet so I'm just looking at the pictures you took with her earlier today" she whispers back to me, showing me her phone screen. As I looked at the phone it was still so hard to believe we finally had our very own princess...

I grab my phone, click the twitter app and decide to post a photo of the princess I love dearly. Not only was she everything to me, but she was everything to US.

 Not only was she everything to me, but she was everything to US

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

@//viperprivate ; welcome to the world Amara Lynn. Mommy and Daddy love u.❤️

I sat there for a few moments examining everyone's reactions and it honestly made me feel great. Knowing that everyone was amazed and happy that we welcomed our baby girl into the world is the best feeling. Everybody seemed to have good things to say, of course ignoring the snarks of WWE who have nothing better to do other than hate. Although it was slightly early in the morning, 6:32 am to be exact; everyone was there to see the new child Aid and I created.

I decided to get up, throw some sweatpants on, and go downstairs to make breakfast for my two lovely girls and even throw in a bottle for my new princess. It's been awhile since I've done this without aid being by my side, but she really deserves breakfast in bed considering she does so much. I had pancakes, eggs, bacon, corned beef hash, sausage, and of course cant forget the healthy stuff; bananas with the pancakes and strawberry's on the side. I whipped up a smoothie for my beautiful wife and a chocolate milk for Alanna before making my way upstairs with their food. I decided since aid was getting bed treatment, the so would Alanna.

Creaking the door to my daughters bedroom open slowly, seeing the sun peeking through the curtains, as I make my way to a peacefully, sleeping beauty. I set the plate and cup down on the night stand and lightly shake her awake. As her eyes slowly flutter open I can see a slight smile forming on her face, obviously glad that I haven't left for the road yet. "hey beautiful" I say, showing her the plate if food as she sits up and pushes her hair behind her ears. I set up the u-base (a medical table usually used for patients in the hospital), I place the food and her drink down and open the curtains.

After talking to her for a moment I get up and head to Aid and I's room, ready to pamper my lovely lady before I have to get back on the road for a few weeks. "babe, I made your favorites and don't worry, I didn't forget the healthy stuff". I gently placed the food on her lap, setting her drink on the night stand beside our bed and giving her a peck on the lips. "thank you love, you're the best" i hear her say as I go to grab Amara from the crib. Seeing this small baby girl laying in a crib in front of the bed that I share with my amazing wife is still surreal to me.

Never in a million years could i have dreamed of having such a beautiful family, with such an incredible wife. She truly was my everything, including my hero. It's rough to think about being on the road again, as I sit here holding our baby girl in my arms. I don't want to leave, I already messed up with Alanna, and I swore to myself I'd never do that again. Then again, hopefully she'd be on the road with me soon. It's not that I don't want to be here for all of the poos, laughs, outbursts, and her first everything; it's just that I want to keep doing what I love while still being able to support my family. I want her to grow up and her future be set, her college be paid for. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Adrianna trying to grab my attention.

"Randall???", her soft voice spoke as she tapped my shoulder. "Randy", "it's time for her bath, I'll take her now. Thank you for breakfast, I love you". She stood up, grabbing Amara and walking out of the double doors that secluded our room from the rest of the house. This is where I want to be, this is my life, this is home. I decided to call Paul (Triple-h), and make an arrangement of my own.

"Hey so look, I know I'm assigned to be back on the road tomorrow night and all, but I just got to hold my baby girl. Hell, I've only been home for a couple of weeks, and I just don't think I'm ready to be back." I spoke, trying not to sound like too much of a jackass.

"It's fine randy, really. I get it, I have daughters too. But we really need you to be here so I'm sorry, I can't grant you permission. Family comes first I understand, but you knew what this job required and yet you signed the contract for another year"

As he spoke it made my head spin, I know I signed another contract, but I needed to be home. I needed to be with my girls. I can't just leave them here, I won't do it, not this time.

"Well then I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I can't make it tomorrow night, I won't be there. Suspend me, do what you want. My girls need me right now, and I'm not going to bail on them".

As I hung up the phone, Adrianna walked through the door with a shocked expression on her face. "You didn't have to do that, we will be fine randy, really". She says, resting her hand on my cheek. "But I needed to, I want to be here, always. I don't want to leave, I'm not ready to be back on the road again" I grabbed her hand, kissing it like she was royalty, and pulling her into a hug. "I never want to leave you or the girls alone again, maybe we can work something out with Stephanie and Paul".

She proceed to argue with me, she never gave up on a fight. What can I say, I married a fighting woman. She was so beyond stubborn, but I didn't care. I was staying, and I would just email the bosses when I wanted to. Instead of getting myself fired, I would plead to have them travel on the road with me, at least for a few weeks at a time. They're my family, and I would never ruin that. I love them more than I loved wrestling....

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