T E M P T E D {Ch 14 - Confusion, Confession and Contact}

Start from the beginning

"I just need to tell you something. You can sleep after if you want."

I gripped my mattress hard as my legs slid over the edge of the bed and my feet touched the floor.

"Why can't you wait til at least after twelve?" I moaned.

"Can you sleep while knowing that I'm sitting outside your door, waiting for you to wake up?"

Oh god no, I thought. The idea of him being anywhere near me as I slept my chest warm and my cheeks tighten in an attempt not to smile cheesily.

Though, out loud, I said, "I could go asleep knowing there was a parade outside my door."

My body contradicted my words as I rolled out of bed and onto my feet. I stumbled to the door and opened it. Greg must have been leaning his hand against the door because as I opened it, he stumbled forward a little, his hand outstretched. I stifled a yawn and glared blearily at him.

"This better be important."

His eyes blinked carefully, then trailed down my body. I squeezed my eyes shut and wished a baggy hoodie and sweats would appear covering my body. I peeked down to see that the strappy singlet and fleece mini-shorts still remained. I clenched my jaw. Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush.

"Er, um..." He was now staring over my shoulder. "There's this rumour going round," he said hoarsely, his eyes flicking to my face, the alluring blue revealing his inner innocence.

"Please don't tell me that you woke me up to tell me about a rumour," I said sarcastically, but smiled to show I wasn't being hostile.

"No, this is important!" He grabbed my hand and then stared at it for a moment, as if wondering how it had gotten into his grip. "Ah... Janelle..." He sighed, his shoulders slumping. "The crusty hag's been saying that I asked her out and that she rejected me or... something like that..."

I scowled. "What's up with that rumour? And why did you have to wake me to say it?"

He scratched his head, causing his hair to tuft slightly in one spot. "I sort of had a go at her, last night. She... She practically asked me out."

I could almost see him pulling nervously at his collar. I eyed him guardedly. But why would Janelle spread a rumour completely opposite to the truth? Surely she'd be the one to look like an idiot when the reality came apparent to everyone.

"She probably thought that going out with me would make Blake jealous and had no idea I'd have any objections about it." He squeezed my hand tightly. "And I never, ever would say yes to her. She's a heartless soul-sucker... and, I'm not gonna settle for anything less than you. And, well, this is her revenge... she's not the smartest of people."

Okay, so maybe he was telling the truth. But still... "Why are you telling me this? You should be talking to her. Or putting up posters around the school saying that she's a lying loser." I tilted my head at him, trying to figure him out. Was there something else he had to say? Because this was so not worth me getting out of bed.

He lowered his head down closer to me, his brow furrowing into a frown. "Are you joking?"

"You could've told me when I saw you next or something..." I trailed off as he pushed me into my room, slightly turning me, and then slammed a hand into the door behind me.

"I'm SERIOUS about YOU," he said, his voice cracking. "I don't want you doubting that for even a second."

My knees were shaking but I lifted my chin. "That kind of rumour... it wouldn't have bothered me at all, except a slight concern that Janelle was harassing you. Because you're my FRIEND. And hardly that." I regretted the words as soon as they passed my lips. I didn't know whether he was actually serious or not, but I didn't have to be cruel.

His arm jerked as if my words had shook it but his facial expression showed no reaction, apart from an icy coat over his easy blue eyes. I opened my mouth to apologise.

I didn't have time to brace myself as his head swooped down and his lips pressed against mine. I gasped and then blinked in shock when his tongue swept into my mouth. He was kissing me? It gave me more of a rush than any other kiss had. And then I ceased to think. His slender but firm fingers spread over my neck, keeping our mouths fused and, with his thumb, he tilted my head and suddenly the kiss grew even deeper. I closed my eyes and let myself relax in his arms.

My body shivered but not from cold or fear. I shivered because I was burning. My hands moved without my control and held tightly onto his broad shoulders. The walls around me disappeared and then the floor dropped away until there was nothing but me and him. I made a small sound in the back of my throat as his hand swept up my stomach, tugging my singlet slightly upward, and his thumb brushed the side of my breast. I could see stars behind my lids.

This was not supposed to happen.

But I couldn't fight it. I just couldn't.


Greg Shannon


I grasped her hips and lifted her up slightly, using the door for support, so that I didn't have to bend as far to get my lips on hers. My thumbs were digging into her skin, I knew, but I couldn't let up. Not when she felt as good as this. Not when, instead of satiating my hunger, she only made me more starved. Starved of her. I nipped her bottom lip, none too gently, and my heart thrummed even faster to hear her second soft sound of pleasure. I pushed closer to her. Surely she could feel my heart, surely she now knew how I'd been telling the truth, of how much I wanted her.

One of my hands skimmed lower, touching the bare skin of her leg, and I felt nearly my entire body harden. Her skin was the smoothest of silks and warm... so warm. A quiet, guttural groan came from deep within me and I quickened the movement of our lips, pushing her further back into the door, lifting her higher. Surely she could feel my need for her, emotionally AND physically.

Her hands moved down from my shoulders and made a small sound of protest before pushing softly, I'd like to say halfheartedly, but I drew back anyway.

"No, Greg. I..." She closed her eyes and when they opened she looked pained. My fists clenched. I didn't like that look. "I've told you. We can only be friends. I'm sorry."

She took a step back, her hand on the side of the door, ready to shut it. I splayed my hand over the wood, stopping her from blocking me out.

"I should be the one apologising, Haze." I made sure she was looking at me, concentrating. "I'm sorry, but I need you... I need you more than a friend. I'm not going to just give up."

I kept my eyes on hers as she slowly shut the door. Only when I heard it click did I let my body sag and relax. I was goddamn burning for her. When I kissed her next time there would have to be something heavier than a door to keep me away.


Well, I hope that kiss made up for the wait... at least, a little bit... a fraction? Less than 1% out of a hundred? 0.001 divided by infinity out of a hundred? Does 'I'm sorry' help? Well... I do have to say, Thanks a tonne, for sticking around. You didn't have to, and I'm sure I lost about 50 fans for not posting in so long. But you, for waiting, are awesome! More than awesome! Awesome doesn't even begin to cover it! Awesome is like 1% of how awesome you are!

...yeah, I'm delirious. Someone fetch me a tranquilizer.

Also, I don't mean to blow my own horn here [who are you kidding, Sid...], but I think I'm getting better at the guy's point of view kissing scene. Haha, does that make me gay...

That's impossible. And I have a dirty, perverted mind to prove it :P

oh boy... Shut UP, Sidney!

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