"You're right, I apologize, sir," he stuttered, adding a quick 'sir' into the end. 

Dad was a professor but I knew that didn't mean that other adults had to call him 'sir'. It highlighted both the fear and respect that was aimed at my dad.

"Can I have the Tongue Tying Lemon Squash please?" I chimed, folding the menu and handing it to the waiter.

"Of course!" The man grinned, I let out a small laugh as his facial expression changed from fear to happiness.

He quickly shuffled away, back to the counter to make our drinks. Not long after, the same man returned placing a small cup of yellow liquid with three ice cubes in front of me and a larger cup of what I assumed was butterbeer in front of dad. 

I lifted the glass to my mouth, as soon as the liquid dropped into my mouth, my tongue tingled with the sensational tastes.

"Lives up to its name, huh?" Dad chuckled watching my reaction carefully as he began sipping his own beverage. 

I nodded in response, unable to speak as I quickly swallowed the drink down my throat.

"Fancy seeing you here, Severus," I glanced to my right, my eyes coming in contact with two unfamiliar people.

They were clearly related as the younger boy, who looked just around my age, resembled the man almost identically. Both their hair was an abnormal blonde colour so bright that it made my eyes squint. Their pale skin displayed their sharp jaw lines flawlessly. The younger boys silver eyes gleamed into mine, studying myself carefully.
They looked so much alike, as much as dad and I do.

"Hello, Lucius," Dad spoke, his eyes were full of wonder as he attached them to the younger boy.

I could practically cut the tension in here with a knife as the rest of the room fell silent, watching us curiously, for the second time today.

"This is Draco, my son." The older man, who I had gathered names was Lucius, declared confidently, his long hair sweeping to the side as he nodded his head to the boy.

"Primrose, my daughter," Dad replied, introducing me.

"Nice to meet you, Primrose." Lucius thin lips carved into a smile, however, my gaze was more focused on the boy, Draco.

"We better be going," dad spoke, lifting himself on the creaky chair, I did the same, pushing my chair in neatly.

Lucius nodded in response, I quickly tore my gaze away from Draco and onto my dad who was now up at the counter paying for our beverages.

"I suspect we'll be seeing more of each other, Primrose," Draco narrowed his beady eyes.

I tilted my head in confusion, but just as I was about to respond, dad called me away.
I nodded towards them both and left them to join dad who was now standing at a smaller wooden door.

That was my very first encounter with Draco Malfoy.

"Who was that?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me as usual.

"That was Lucius and Draco Malfoy, Draco should be in your year. I would prefer it if you didn't socialize with them. They're dangerous and I don't want you getting involved with their 'ways'. By staying away from them, you can't get on their wrong side." Dad warned, pushing the wooden door open with his right hand.

ELEGANTLY WASTED // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now