Chapter 1✓

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Lucas's POV

"You're pretty good," the boy says, his bright smile not leaving his face. He stayed sitting beside me even after we finished our impromptu duet. I pack away my guitar into its case, standing to walk into class.

"Thanks," I mutter shyly. I've never been very popular at school, so I tend to keep to myself, especially when I could move at any given time.

"Want me to show you around?" The boy asks kindly, standing up beside me

"Uh, no thank you," I reply. I go to the door, trying to rush in but failing as I have my guitar case in my hand. The black haired boy runs up beside me and opens the door for me.

"At least let me walk you to class," he offers insistently. I hesitate, but nod. He walks with me into the school and stops when I stop. "What's wrong?"

"It's just a lot of people," I mutter.

"Not used to big crowds?"

"No, I am, it's just, I've never been here before. I still get the jitters with every new school."

"I take it you move around a lot."


"Do you know where you're going?"

"Not exactly."

"Right this way."

We walk down the hall, the black haired boy leading the way for me.

"So, mystery boy, what's your name?" The black haired boy asks. I stifle a laugh at the nickname, being that I was thinking of him as the mystery boy earlier.

"Lucas, what's yours?"

"Noah." He puts out a hand to shake mine. I give him a small smile and shake his hand. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He releases my hand and adds a playful bow. I chuckle. Finally, we reach a door. "This is the main office," Noah tells me, "all the information you need should be here."

"Okay, thank you," I say. I expected Noah to walk away and leave me to this, but he stayed at my side. I looked at him, waiting for him to go.

"What?" He says when he notices I'm staring at him.

"Oh, I-"

"You didn't expect to get rid of me this easy, did you? It takes a lot more than a friendly goodbye to get rid of me."

I grin at him. He knocks on the door and within a second, it's swung open.

"Ah, Noah, what brings you to me so early?" A tall grey haired man asks when he opens the door.

"I'm not here for me, I'm here for my buddy." Noah pats me on the back. The man looks at me expectantly. I don't say anything, mostly because I have no idea what I should say. "He's a little shy," Noah explains, probably sensing my discomfort.

"Well, come on in." The man gestures for us to walk in and we obey. He sits down at a desk and we sit in two chairs on the opposite side. The office is colourful, with pictures of students and inspirational posters covering the walls. "What can I do for you?" He asks, looking directly at me with a friendly smile.

"Um, I'm new here, I don't exactly know where to go," I say. The man nods.

"You must be Lucas Duggan," He says. I nod. "Welcome! It's wonderful to have you here. You must be needing your locker number and class schedule."

"Yes please," I reply shortly. The man pulls out documents from his desk, quickly filing through and pulling out a sheet. He hands it to me with a smile.

"That's your schedule. Your locker is number 120 and if I'm not mistaken, you're in Noah's class so he can show you the way."

"Thank you very much," I say as me and Noah stand to leave the room.

"No problem, if you have any problems or need anything, come talk to me."

I nod, thanking him once again as me and Noah leave, shutting the door behind us.

"Locker 120, right?" Noah asks as we walk down the hall. I nod. "Alright, then here it is." Noah opens the locker for me and I put my jacket and guitar inside. Thank god these are big lockers so I don't have to drag my guitar around all day. "What's our first class, fellow teen."

I check the schedule, "English," I reply.

"Wonderful, lets go." Noah grabs my arm and tugs me down the hall. We stop at one class, the door wide open, a buzz or murmuring flooding through it. Noah knocks on the door anyway.

"Hello, Noah. Who's your friend?" A lady, presumably our teacher, asks. She has on a pink sun dress, her dirty blonde hair tied into a tight bun on the top of her head.

"This is Lucas," Noah says, gesturing exaggeratedly to me. I give the lady a shy smile, putting out my hand to shake hers.

"How do you do?" I ask politely.

"My my, we have a prince in our midst." The lady says playfully to Noah, then she turns back to me, "I'm wonderful, thank you, and yourself."

"I'm good, thank you."

"Great. Go on and take your seats, we won't be doing much work today, just introductions."

I nod and me and Noah take our seats. I hear people whispering around us, their murmuring becoming much quieter now that I'm closer, making me sure they were talking about me. Noah seems to notice as well, lowering his eyes to stare at his empty desk. I pity him, and find myself leaning in his direction.

"You don't have to sit with me, you know," I tell him, trying to be polite and make sure he knows I'm doing this for him, not me.

"What?" He looks shocked, so I take a different approach.

"I just mean, it doesn't seem like people like me so far, so maybe you should--"

"It's not that easy to get rid of me, mystery boy. Besides, I can't leave you alone in this school."

"Why not?"

"These people are vultures. They're manipulative and evil."

"No ones evil. There are perfectly decent people who have done evil things, that doesn't mean that's who they are."

"You're an optimist," Noah says, more to himself, like he's making note of it. Nevertheless, I nod.

"So, you still want to be my friend?"

"Of course, weirdo."

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