Chapter Seventeen

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if the update thing said i updated chapter sixteen, i didn't, i just saw a grammar mistake and fixed it.

There was a clear cut tension between Soo Ho and (name) for the rest of their travel. Soo Ho wanted to apologize but (name) seemed to avoid him, talking to everyone else, even the princess.
The group was forced to stop just outside of their destination again, but this time there was no shelter waiting for them. (Name) groaned. she would either be forced to sleep outside and possibly get confronted by Soo Ho or sleep in the tent with the princess and face the awkward silence inside.
"(Name)!" the princess called.
(Name) winced and quickly turned around to face the princess. "yes, your highness?"
"you will be sleeping outside. my tent is too small for three people,"  Sook Myung said and walked away.
(name) groaned for the second time that night. Soo Ho would definitely try to talk to her and apologize, but (name) wasn't ready for the apology yet.
"(name)!" it was Sun Woo this time.
"what?" she snapped.
sun woo put his hands up in defense. "calm down. i was just asking if you would go get firewood to start a fire."
(name) sighed. "sure. sorry for snapping," she said and walked into the forest. there were plenty of sticks on the ground but a lot of them were a bit damp, which meant that (name) would probably have to climb up a tree to get more branches.
she brought her sticks back to sun woo, handed them off to him, and headed back into the forest. she found a pretty old tree that looked like the branches would break easily. she tried to jump for the lowest branches to see if they would break but they were a few inches above her reach.
(name) rolled her eyes. "of course i have to climb don't i," she muttered.
she quickly checked around the are to see if there was another tree that she wouldn't have to climb but came up empty handed. finally, she grabbed onto the trunk and dig her fingers into the bark. she jumped and dug her heels in too. with another jump, she was on the low branch, and with another she was even higher.
(name) began to break off branches and toss them to the forest floor where she could grab them later. she stood to turn and head back down when a bird came screeching in her face.
(name) yelled in surprise and stumbled backwards. her eyes widened as she felt the branch under her feet snap, sending her plummeting.
she winced, preparing for the hard ground to meet her back, but landed in a strong pair of arms. she looked up and gasped.
"soo ho ... ?"

too much cliche plot lines but that's what makes it fun.

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