Chapter Three

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"You what!?!?!" (Name) winced at Ah Ro's screeching. Even from outside the house and a few houses down, Ah Ro's yell could be heard clearly.

"(Name)! Do you believe this?" Ah Ro turned on said girl when she entered the home. "The queen is making Sun Woo become a member of Hwarang in return for saving father's life!"

(Name) frowned. "I mean, it makes sense," She said, flopping down next to Sun Woo. "The queen isn't making the Hwarang for her son, she's making it for herself. It makes sense that she would want as many people in it as possible."

Sun Woo frantically nodded in agreement to get himself out of the situation, but (name) saw. "Traitor," she pouted.


It was the day of the Hwarang ceremony. (Name) had told Ah Ro that she would meet her and Sun Woo by the gates but she didn't see them when she arrived.

(Name)'s eyes widened as she watched Ah Ro get dragged away by a man with Sun Woo chasing after her. She hiked up her skirt and followed closely behind.

Hands grabbed at her when she turned the corner, gagging and blindfolding her wishing seconds. She heard Ah Ro's muffled yells as well as footsteps coming towards them.

"Ah Ro!" It was Sun Woo. "(Name)!"
She heard the mystery man talk to Sun Woo for a moment before another person arrived, he too calling out her name.

"(Name)!" It was Ji Dwi, the man she had only formally met the day before and he was already concerned about her. It would warm her heart if not for the fact that they were all about to die.

"If you touch one hair on either's head, I will kill you," Sun Woo snarled at their kidnapper. (Name) winced as she heard something heavy being slammed into the back of the other's heads.

(Name) felt breath on her face, warm and smelly. She tried to pull away but a hand grabbed her and pulled her forwards so the man's lips were by her ear.

"Bye bye, pretty bird," he whispered.
And then (name) was knocked out.

Ahaha why did even start this story I can't write ;-;
School sucks and I'm probably going to fail my finals help.

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