38- You Absolutely Love It

Start from the beginning

“Okay, this is it,” Anna decided with a nod. “I want this one.”

“Well, our work here is done,” Sophie sighed as the tailor approached Anna after Theresa had waved her over so that they could make any modifications to the dress that were necessary. “We’re going to be in the prom dresses.”

“Have fun,” Anna sang before Sophie was practically dragging Paige and I toward the plethora of prom dresses, organized by color, on the other side of the large store.

“What color have you and Carter decided on? You know, to match your dress and his tie,” Sophie wondered as we started looking through all of the dresses.

“We haven’t talked about prom yet,” I told her. “So we don’t have a color.”

“He hasn’t asked you yet?” Paige asked me incredulously and then both girls turned to look at me with shocked expressions.

“Um, no?” I laughed, confused at their dramatic reactions. “I mean, I just assumed that we’re going together considering he’s kind of my boyfriend. Isn’t it just assumed?”

“Most definitely not,” Sophie shook her head at me as she started to pull her phone out of her jeans pocket. “I don’t care if you’ve been married since birth, he still needs to ask you to prom.”

“No, he really doesn’t,” I mumbled even though Paige was nodding her agreement with Sophie. “What are you doing, Soph?”

“I’m getting to the bottom of this,” She explained, putting her phone to her ear, obviously calling somebody.

“Are you calling Carter?” I wondered incredulously. When she didn’t answer me, I found it obvious that the answer to that question was ‘yes’. “Give me that!”

I quickly lunged forward, snatching her phone away from her ear so that she didn’t actually talk to Carter because that’d be really embarrassing, I think, for Sophie to demand that Carter ask me to prom, which I thought was just ridiculous.

“Hello?” Carter answered on the other end.

“Hey,” I sighed, unsure of what I should do now except for run from Sophie because she was lunging toward me to get her phone back.

“Maddie? Hey, what are you doing calling me from Sophie’s phone?” He wondered curiously.

“Oh, you know, just wanted to check in,” I said, still running from Sophie through the prom section of the store, trying to avoid all employees so that we didn’t get kicked out for playing around in the store.

“Did your phone die?”

“Yep. It definitely did that,” I piped just before I was tackled with a loud oomf sound and when I looked up, I found Paige sitting on top of me with a victorious smile as she snatched the phone from my hand and tossed it to Sophie.

“Hello, Carter,” Sophie grinned at me as she spoke into the phone. “Oh yeah, Maddie’s fine. And the dress shopping is going wonderfully.”

Paige shot me a sympathetic smile but said, “This is what has to be done,” She told me, not letting me off of the ground so that I wasn’t able to try and get Sophie’s phone again, which I would have done if she wasn’t pinning me down.

“Anyway, I have a bone to pick with you,” Sophie continued talking to Carter as I tried to wriggle free from Paige’s grip.

“We’re so not friends right now,” I huffed, glaring up at Paige even though I wasn’t actually mad at her or anything.

“Well, okay,” Sophie said to Carter. “So the thing is that we’re here at the dress shop looking for prom dresses and Maddie told me something very interesting. How can she possibly find the perfect prom dress if she hasn’t been asked to prom?”

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