Harry Snores

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(To all of y'all who will think I'm too goody-goody if I don't write this: I am a Tumblr Girl. Zayn Malik thinks we're hot. And we. Ship. Everything.)

Zayn's cold fingers pressed against the back of Niall's neck as he tried to suppress a laugh. Instantly Niall jumped and turned around, smacking his hand away.

"What was that for?" he asked. Zayn shrugged.

"Just wanted to see what you would do." He shot the blonde a cheeky smile and wiggled his fingers at him. He had stayed outside for a few extra minutes, smoking his last cigarette for the night. The cold stuck to his hands as he walked down the hall of the bus.

He just loved going to bed so much on some nights. He'd admit, he loved sleep every night, but there are those certain nights that just tire you out quicker than others. Zayn sighed as he undressed himself.

He crawled into his bed sleepily. He was ready for the next day to smack him in the face almost as much as this one. Even though he felt that Liam would be up all night again, and would probably do a Twitcam, he shrugged and decided to get some sleep before then. Another long day chased after the tour bus, and when they stopped, it would hit them head on. In the bunk across from him, Harry slept soundly, snoring to his heart's content.

Zayn raised his eyebrows one quick time, in jealousy. He should be sleeping like that. So he wrapped the covers around his cold body and shut his eyes, waiting for the sleep to take over.

He opened his eyes and immediately reached out for his mobile. He squinted at the white light in the darkness as he checked the time. 2:53 AM. He sighed and got out of his bunk, noting that everyone else was now asleep. Except for Liam.

Zayn trudged into the main room, where Liam, fully clothed in some sweatpants and a tight t-shirt, looked up from his laptop. Which, fortunately, was facing the other direction. "G'day, Zayn. What are you doing up?" he asked.

"I just woke up," Zayn replied groggily. "I see you're up again."

"Just making a Twitcam."

Zayn nodded. Liam loved doing Twitcams. He loved some of the funny stuff that happened during them, and then finding a bunch of gifs of the same Twitcam on Tumblr the next morning. The fans worked fast.

He sat next to his sleep-deprived friend and looked at some of the tweets. A lot of them were requests for shoutouts, some saying they loved him, others just being plain naughty. The usual for any Twitcam from the boys. Zayn didn't make Twitcams much anymore. He used to do a few every once in a while, but there had been a large shortage since the last one. He and the boys were awfully busy a lot of the time, he didn't know how they found time to do them anymore.

"So now we've got Zayn up, you plan on staying up with me, mate?" Liam asked, turning to Zayn as he did.

"I think I might have to. I wanted to get back to sleep but Harry's snores are unusually loud tonight, so I think I'd rather stay in here for a while."

Liam smiled in amusement. "I walked past earlier to get my laptop and he sounded like a bear."

Zayn smiled at the comment. "That's actually a lot what he sounds like right now."

Liam glanced at the tweets now, getting more. "It's always Harry that wakes you up. Occasionally Lou or Niall, but almost always Harry. Pick something to hashtag, Zayn."

"Erm..." Zayn bit his tongue. "#liamshouldbesleeping."

Liam looked up at him defensively. "No."

"Liam, it's almost three o'clock."

"I'm telling you, I am unable to sleep. Especially with Harry snoring like he is," Liam said wih a slight chuckle.

"I was getting ready to stuff a sock in his mouth anyway. You need to get some sleep or else you won't be able to stay awake tomorrow." Zayn was always overprotective of Liam.

"So you want me to force myself."

"Unless you'd like to be wrestled with a spoon."

Liam turned back to his laptop. "I'm taking him seriously so I'd better go now. We both need some sleep before its too late. So say goodnight, Zayn."

"Goodnight," he said, waving at the camera. For once Liam was being the rebellious one.

"Goodnight, everybody," Liam said, and turned off the camera. He looked up at Zayn. "Where are we going tomorrow, mate?"

Zayn shrugged. "Niall knows. He mentioned it earlier and I went totally blank."

Liam smirked. "Heard he's still holding that grudge for you scaring him."

"When my hand was cold?"

Liam nodded, cracking a smile. "You can't expect Niall to not get mad at you, you know how he gets..."

"I know. He'll probably put an ice cube down my shirt tomorrow."

Liam raised his eyebrows knowingly. "We'd better shut Harry up if we plan on getting any sleep; those snores are massive."

"Or we could sleep out here. I don't mind the couch." Zayn shrugged.

Liam shrugged as well and went down the hall. He came back dragging along two blankets, handing one to Zayn.

"It sure is cold tonight," Liam said, stripping down. By now the boys were all used to seeing each other completely naked, (thanks to Harold) so this was nothing new to Zayn. But then again, neither was the feeling he got in his stomach every time he watched Liam remove his shirt from his defined torso.

Liam scrunched himself up under the covers, the way he always sleeps. Zayn reached over and turned the light off, before wrapping himself under the covers on the other couch. If the boys could ever avoid sleeping naked together, they usually did. Except for Louis and Harry. They didn't seem to care much anymore.

"G'night, Zayn," Liam said through the dark.

"G'night, Liam," Zayn answered back. He then closed his eyes and got a remarkable amount of sleep, considering the amount of time he already missed.

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