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Timeline Coordination: Shadow and Ice, Chapter 12.  Wolf Tech 5, Chapter 6  (After Mark completes his training, and before the time jump)

Zane had gotten directions to the pack Mark was most worried about, Ice Lake. He took Simone and two others with him for the meeting. He hadn't bothered calling ahead to announce he was coming. The shock value was what he was aiming for. Considering what he had on the pack and alpha, he wasn't expecting much from them. Personally, he was planning on beating the crap out of him with the pack treaties. If needed, he could call on the treaties and at least five packs and Tashi's Pride. That heavily outweighed the number of wolves Ice Lake and its allies had.

When they finally pulled up to the gate to the Pack, he glowered at the wolf, "Second of Wild Valley, Zane Donovan, Enforcer Simone and two of my wolves. We are here to see the Alpha about a Pack issue." His voice was cold and calculated. He was doing his best to come across as the cold persona he presented to those outside their pack.

When the wolf seemed to hesitate to allow him access Zane snarled, "Tell your Alpha if I'm not allowed access, I will call on the treaties of my pack and deal harshly with this pack. I will take over and make it mine. If he doesn't want to lose his pack, he will see me." He definitely wasn't sounding pleased or happy.

The wolf growled, even as he relayed the request and comments, "Stay here and a vehicle will come. No weapons." He told them after a while. There was no way they were going to permit foreign wolves into the territory in their vehicle, nor with their weapons.

Zane glared at the wolf, "Don't need weapons. They are for the pussy wolves. I don't need them to deal with wolves who are weak." He glanced at Simone and the other two, "Since they are so scared, we will do as they ask, all weapons will be left here. I would hate to make them feel pathetic for having to remove weapons so they feel powerful. Small wolf syndrome, I guess." He was doing his best to be as insulting as possible.

The wolf snarled back at them, but he wasn't permitted to attack, as long as they complied with the orders. The sooner they were out of his sight, the better. He didn't care what they thought they could do.

The vehicle arrived after about a half hour, an old van with worn seats and seemed like at some point a skunk had made a home in it. It seemed they were trying to be as insulting as possible.

Zane stepped out of the SUV they were in and sneered at the van, "Goddess, what a pathetic pack, if this is the best they have. Simone and Jack, come with and Paul stay with the SUV." He walked to the van, sneered again before he climbed in. When nobody searched him, he sneered again, "Sad and pathetic pack."

Simone could tell Zane was doing his best to be insulting and went with it. Based on what she knew, the pack could use some new blood. The idea of Zane taking over didn't amuse her though. It would require too much work to beat the pack into submission. Just from the state of security, it would require major work to get them up to their standards.

The vehicle moved off as soon as they closed the door themselves, as the two wolves from the pack sat in the front without saying a word. The vehicle seemed to have no suspension left, and they took the hardest ruts, seeming to try to rattle Zane, Jack, and Simone, literally. It didn't work, but did show disrespect to them, but with how they arrived, Zane could understand it.

Upon arriving, there was some wolves waiting for them, and from the way they cringed, they were the lowest and on punishment duty. Visible bruises could be seen. One of the wolves turned and let them follow, as they were led to the Alpha's outer office to wait.

Zane was doing his best to remain cold and scary. What he would prefer would be to give the wolves a good hug and tell them it was going to be okay. Instead he stared at the woman, "Take me to him now." he demanded. *Damn it! Simone, I want to take over and protect this pack. Bruises on junior wolves? Fucking shitheads.* He also knew it was going to be major work if he did, and was going to need help.

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