i've told you my life story practically. you know things about me that i wouldn't dare tell anyone else. but, i just know i can trust you with them. i don't even have to think twice about telling you. and that says a lot about our friendship and how much trust i have in us.

pause the sappy stuff for a moment. i've been itching to ruin this moment for a while lol.

you have been able to survive another year. go you! but, it also means you're one year closer to dying. and bc you're older you'll make it to hell before i do. but, i'll be at your funeral, shedding a few tears. telling your family of how much of a smut enthusiast you are ;).

look, i know that as of right now you are inactive, but i still have hope that you'll be back. i have no doubt in my mind that day will come. but, until then, i'll miss you.

i hope that even tho that kelsey girl may waltzed in here like she owned the place and made you go inactive a day before
your birthday, you still have the best day of your life (well the second best day. the first best day will be meeting me ofc). i hope that you'll get the chance to read this birthday surprise i have for you.

i'm glad that you won't have to deal with her on your birthday, but i wish you were here. Wattpad is practically your life. and i actually teared up a little when i found out you actually left. unfortunately, you show me i have a heart.

i'm sorry you felt you had to delete. just, snickerdoodle i hope that when you come back you see how mush people truly care about you. you have this light. people are just drawn to you. everybody who gives you a chance, loves you. i know i do.

but, no matter what, i hope you never forget that you are funny, strong, smart, kind, sassy, beautiful, amazing, and so many other pleasant adjectives. you deserve the world, and i wish i could give it to you, but unfortunately, i can't. however, i can give you my love. which is something you'll have until you do first.

i hope you enjoyed this birthday present. it may not be much, but it comes from the heart.

happy birthday snickerdoodle. i hope you have a great one.

your buttercup

but first a spam of rilaya gifs bc butterdoodle

but first a spam of rilaya gifs bc butterdoodle

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