Chapter 2

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The next morning there was a knock on my door. I open the door, already fully dressed.

"Good morning Kat," Sarah bowed her head in greeting, "come on its time to get our schedules for the day."

"Okay let's go then."

She hands me a paper with my name on it.

"You got some tough ones," she sighs.

"Really?" I say before looking at it.

Clean the floors of the grand ballroom
Prepare meal for Vaughn (usual)
Serve Vaughn at 9
Organize library
Kitchen cleanup
Serve Vaughn 12:30
Clean up study
Make dinner
Fold laundry for two hours

"Great." I say sarcastically.

"You should get some breakfast and then get started. The grand ballroom is huge."

I nod before going to get some breakfast. It was pretty much something that looked like oatmeal and water. I ate it before going to the Grand ballroom. I drop my bucket of water and stare at the vast space. Sarah was right. I sigh before getting started. It was literal hell as I scrubbed the dirty floors. Brendon and Ryan would be laughing at me if they saw this.

By the time I'm about three quarters of the way done I look up only to see 8:30 on the clock.

"Shit," I mutter.

I stand up and dash out of the room, nearly slipping on the wet floors.

"What is Vaughn's breakfast?" I ask one of the cooks.

"Two eggs over medium with toast and bacon, along with green tea," one of them replies as he cleaned the dishes.

"Thanks," I grab the ingredients and start making his breakfast.

"You're late," Patrick mutters, looking at his blue and white gloves, as I walk into the dinning room.

"I know. I apologise."

"What were you even doing?" He asks as I set the tray down in front of him.

"The ballroom is huge, took me longer than I expected."

"Of course Iero gives you the hardest duty on the first day," he sighs breaking the yoke on one of his eggs, "how far did you get?"

"Three quarters of the way done." I answer.

"That's pretty impressive," he nods dipping his toast into the broken yoke before taking a bite out of it, "tell me what's it like to live with a bunch of rebels?"

"They're like family. We all protect each other."

"I do remember you parents a while ago. Very nice people shame my father thought best to kill them. Would've worked well as spies for us."

I have to hold my tongue so I don't do anything stupid.

"You are a very smart girl Fire Hair," he chuckled.

"I have a name you know."

"Yes I know Miss Kaitlyn. If I may call you that," he smirked.

"Whatever makes you happy."

"Alright Fire Hair," he took a sip of his tea, "how are you settling in?"

"Fine. The room is very nice, thank you by the way."

"My pleasure," he smiled, "you are dismissed. I shall be seeing you later little rebel."

I nod before walking away. I walk into the library, which was also huge, a lanky man with glasses walked over.

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